How To Remove Acrylic Paint From Concrete

How To Remove Acrylic Paint From Concrete

The dilemma of using acrylic paint on concrete is a common predicament artists, homeowners, and builders face.

From accidental splashes during a creative project to unwanted graffiti, acrylic paint can make it onto your concrete surfaces.

Why does it matter? With its durability and vivid colors, acrylic paint can be an eyesore and a nuisance on an otherwise clean, uniform concrete surface.

Moreover, it creates a layer that can hinder the adhesion of any new paint or sealants you may want to apply.

Knowing how to remove acrylic paint from concrete efficiently and safely is crucial. Let’s delve in.

Preparing for Paint Removal

How To Remove Acrylic Paint From Concrete

Before you begin

Step 1: Assess the Paint Condition

Before you start the removal process, it’s crucial to assess the condition of the paint. Is it fresh and wet? Or has it dried and hardened over time?

Excess wet paint usually calls for a simple wipe-down and clean-up, while dried paint will need more effort to scrape and dissolve.

Step 2: Gather the Necessary Tools and Materials

Once you’ve assessed the paint condition, it’s time to gather the necessary tools and materials. Here’s a handy checklist to guide you:

  1. Protective Gear: Safety should always be a priority. Ensure you have a pair of gloves, safety goggles, and a mask to protect yourself from harmful chemicals or particles.
  2. Scrapers and Tools: Depending on the condition of the paint, you may need scrapers, paintbrushes, or blunt knives to scrape off the dried paint.
  3. Cleaning Agents: Several cleaning agents can aid in paint removal. Common household items like vinegar and dish soap can be surprisingly effective. For tougher jobs, paint thinners or acetone might be necessary.
  4. Absorbent Materials: Newspapers, rags, towels, and cloths can absorb wet paint or clean up after a paint removal session.
  5. Buckets or Containers: You’ll need somewhere to mix your cleaning solutions and discard any scraped-off paint. A few buckets or containers do the trick.
  6. Brushes: A good scrubbing brush or a wire brush can come in handy, especially for getting into the nooks and crannies of a textured concrete surface.

Removing Wet Paint Splatters from Concrete

Step 1: Wipe off wet paint

Your first instinct might be to wipe the paint away immediately. But, this can spread the paint, creating a larger problem.

Instead, use an absorbent material like rags, towels, or old newspapers to blot the excess paint gently. Remember, the key is to dab, not to smear or spread.

Step 2: Scrub with a soapy solution

Once you’ve blotted away as much wet paint as possible, it’s time to prepare a warm or hot water and soap/detergent solution.

The warmth of the water combined with the soap helps break down the acrylic paint’s bond to the concrete.

Take a scrubbing brush and soak it in your soapy solution, then start scrubbing at the remaining paint.

Pay particular attention to any stubborn spots or areas where the paint has begun to dry.

Step 3: Rinse and dry

After you’ve loosened and removed the paint with your soapy solution, rinse the concrete with clean water.

It will help wash away any remaining soap or loosened paint particles. Once you’ve rinsed the area, let it dry completely.

Drying ensures that no water or soap is left on the surface, which could interfere with any further steps or future painting you may want to do.

Removing Dried Acrylic Paint from Concrete

How To Remove Acrylic Paint From Concrete

Step 1: Scrape off loose paint

To remove dried acrylic paint from concrete, use a paint scraper, a blunt knife, or even a razor blade to carefully scrape off as much of the dried paint as possible.

Apply gentle pressure to avoid scratching or damaging the concrete. Remember, the goal is to remove the paint, not etch new designs on the surface.

Step 2: Apply paint thinner or remover

Once you’ve scraped off the loose paint, you may still see stubborn spots or layers of paint. For these, you’ll need the help of a paint thinner or paint remover.

Choose a product suitable for acrylic paint and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Apply the paint thinner or remover solution to the remaining dried paint and allow it to sit for the recommended time.

Recommended read: Why did acrylic tank manufacturing close?

Step 3: Remove softened paint

After the paint thinner or remover has done its job, use a scrubbing brush to remove the now-softened paint.

Warm or hot water can help in this removal process, dissolving the paint further and aiding in scrubbing it away.

Step 4: Repeat and rinse

Stubborn paint might need you to repeat the steps. Keep applying the paint remover, scrubbing, and rinsing until you remove all the paint.

After your final rinse, allow the concrete to dry completely to ensure you have a clean, dry surface ready for further treatment or to appreciate in its unpainted glory.

Here, find out the difference between chalk paint and acrylic paint.

Methods to Remove Acrylic Paint from Concrete Floor

Method 1: Vinegar and dish soap remedy

The acid in the vinegar breaks down the paint, while the soap helps to lift it off the concrete surface. Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Mix the Solution: Mix equal parts of vinegar and dish soap in a bucket or container.

The exact amount you’ll need will depend on the size of the paint spill, but a good rule of thumb is to make enough so that the entire paint stain can be thoroughly covered with the solution.

Step 2: Apply the Solution: Pour or dab the vinegar and dish soap solution onto the paint stain. Cover all of the paint with the solution to ensure effective removal.

Work the solution into the paint using a scrub brush, scrubbing vigorously to help loosen and lift the paint particles.

Step 3: Rinse and Dry: Once you’ve scrubbed the area, rinse it thoroughly with water to remove the soap, vinegar, and any loosened paint.

Lastly, allow the area to dry completely to give you a better view of your handiwork, and a dry surface is also better for further treatment if necessary.

Method 2: Nail polish remover

Step 1: Choose a Strong Nail Polish Remover: No nail polish remover will do when dealing with dried paint.

Opt for a nail polish remover with a high concentration of acetone.

It will give you the extra strength needed to dissolve stubborn acrylic paint.

Step 2: Apply and Scrub: Wearing gloves, apply a generous amount of the nail polish remover directly to the paint stain. 

Use a scrub brush to work the remover into the paint, applying pressure to help lift and remove the paint from the concrete.

Step 3: Rinse and Dry: After scrubbing, rinse the area with water to remove any residue from the nail polish remover and the loosened paint particles.

Remember to let the area dry thoroughly to assess the success of your paint removal efforts and decide if a second round is necessary.

Method 3: Paint thinner with 80 grit sandpaper

Step 1: Prepare Your Materials: For this method, you must paint thinner and 80-grit sandpaper.

The paint thinner will help to dissolve the paint, while the sandpaper will scrape away the softened paint particles.

Step 2: Apply Paint Thinner and Sand: Wearing your safety gloves and goggles, apply thinner to the dried paint. Let it sit for a few minutes to start softening the paint.

After allowing the thinner to work, use the 80-grit sandpaper to sand away the paint.

Be sure to sand evenly to avoid creating divots or uneven surfaces in the concrete.

Step 3: Clean and Dry: Once you’ve sanded the area, clean it with warm soapy water to remove any residual paint or paint thinner.

Allow the area to dry completely to see the results of your efforts. If any paint remains, you may need to repeat the process until all the paint is removed.

Method 4: Paint thinner and 80-grit sandpaper

Step 1: Get Your Materials Ready: First off, equip yourself with paint thinner and 80-grit sandpaper.

The rough texture of the sandpaper works well with the paint-dissolving power of the paint thinner, making a great team against the hardened acrylic paint.

Step 2: Sand the Paint: Don your protective gear and apply a generous layer of paint thinner on the paint stain. Let it sit for a few minutes to break down the paint.

Once the paint has softened, spray it off with your 80-grit sandpaper. Remember to be gentle; you want to remove the paint, not damage the concrete underneath.

Step 3: Clean and Dry: After you’ve sanded off as much paint as you can, clean the area with a damp cloth or mop to remove paint debris and any leftover thinner.

Let the area air dry thoroughly to see if any paint remains. If necessary, repeat the process until you achieve a clean, paint-free concrete floor.

Method 5: Harnessing the power of paint thinner and 80-grit sandpaper

For those stubborn, hard-to-remove acrylic paint stains, using a combination of paint thinner and 80-grit sandpaper can do wonders.

This duo will help you get back your clean, spotless concrete floor. Here’s your game plan:

Step 1: Gather Your Materials: First, make sure you have paint thinner and 80-grit sandpaper.

This combination is effective because the paint thinner breaks down the paint, making it easier for the rough texture of the sandpaper to scrape it off.

Step 2: Sand the Stain Away: Pour some thinner paint onto the dried paint and let it work for a few minutes to soften it, preparing it for removal.

Once the paint starts to loosen, grab your sandpaper and gently sand the area, ensuring not to damage the underlying concrete.

Step 3: Clean Up and Dry: After all the scrubbing and sanding, it’s time to clean up. Use a damp cloth or a mop to remove any residual paint or paint thinner.

Allow the area to air dry fully to help you see if any paint is left. If there is, don’t hesitate to repeat the process until your concrete floor is free from paint.

Method 6: Paint Stripper

Step 1: Choose Your Paint Stripper: There are various types of paint strippers available in the market. Choose one that’s specifically designed for acrylic paint.

Check the manufacturer’s instructions and warnings, as some may contain strong chemicals that must be handled cautiously.

Step 2: Prepare the Area: Before you start, it’s crucial to prepare the area by moving any furniture, covering nearby plants or objects with plastic sheets to protect them, and ensuring adequate ventilation if working indoors.

Step 3: Apply the Paint Stripper: Once your area is ready, don your safety gear, and apply the paint stripper onto the paint-stained concrete.

Follow the product instructions about how long you should let the stripper sit. This waiting period is key to letting the stripper penetrate and break down the paint.

Step 4: Scrape and Clean: After the paint stripper has done its job, it’s time to scrape off the paint. Using a scraper, start removing the loosened paint.

Be gentle to prevent any damage to the concrete. After scraping, rinse the area thoroughly with water, ensuring all residues of the stripper are washed away.

DIY Alternatives

If you’re in a DIY mood, create a paint stripper home using common household ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, or dish soap.

However, remember these might not be as effective as commercial paint strippers and require more effort and time.

Is paint stripper toxic? How can I protect myself while using it?

Yes, some paint strippers can be toxic. They contain strong chemicals. Methylene chloride is one example.

It’s harmful if you inhale it or if it touches your skin. So, you must take precautions.

To stay safe, follow these steps:

  1. Use Protective Gear: Wear safety gear such as goggles, gloves, and a mask. It will protect you from chemicals.
  2. Ventilate Your Work Area: Working indoors? Ensure the area is well-ventilated to prevent toxic fumes from building up.
  3. Read the Guidelines: Follow the instructions. The manufacturer gives these.

Can Paint Stripper Damage the Concrete?

Most paint strippers are safe for concrete. They shouldn’t cause damage.

But it’s a good idea to test a small area first. This way, you’ll know if it discolors or harms the concrete.

Method 7: Pressure washer and degreaser cleaner

Using a pressure washer and degreaser cleaner is a good option. It’s effective at removing acrylic paint from concrete. Here’s how you do it:

Step 1: Gather Your Tools: You’ll need a pressure washer and a degreaser cleaner. You can find these at hardware stores or online.

Step 2: Apply the Cleaner: Put the degreaser cleaner on the paint. Give it a few minutes to soak. It’ll start breaking down the paint.

Step 3: Start the Pressure Washer: Now, it’s time for the pressure washer. Turn it on and point it at the paint. The water and pressure will lift the paint off the concrete.

Method 8: Cordless drill with wire brush and mineral spirit

Sometimes, paint is stubborn. In these cases, try a cordless drill with a wire brush attachment. Use it with mineral spirit. Here are the steps:

Step 1: Get Your Tools Ready: You’ll need a cordless drill, a wire brush attachment, and mineral spirits. These are usually available at hardware stores.

Step 2: Put Mineral Spirit on the Paint: Pour mineral spirit over the paint to help break it down and make it easier to remove.

Step 3: Use the Wire Brush Now: Attach the wire brush to your cordless drill. Start scrubbing. The drill does the hard work. The stiff bristles will help lift the paint.

Step 4: Clean Up: Once you’ve removed the paint, clean the area to remove any leftover mineral spirit and paint. Let the area dry.

Method 9: Drill and wheel

A drill and wheel combo can be effective when dealing with stubborn paint. It’s especially useful for smaller, tough spots. Here’s how you can use it:

Step 1: Prep Your Tools: You’ll need a drill and a wheel attachment. These are readily available at most hardware stores or online.

Step 2: Off Grind the Paint: Attach the wheel to the drill and apply it to the paint.

Step 3: Clean Up: Once you’ve removed the paint, clean the area to help remove any leftover debris. Once the area is cleaned, allow it to dry before using it.

Method 10: Buffer

A buffer machine is an excellent option when dealing with larger paint areas on concrete. Here’s how to use it:

Step 1: Gather Your Tools: This method needs a buffer machine. You can rent one from a hardware store if you don’t have one.

Step 2: Buff the Paint: Turn on the buffer machine and apply it to the painted area.

The buffer will gradually remove the paint as you move it over the area. Remember to cover all parts of the paint to ensure a thorough job.

Step 3: Clean Up: After you’ve removed the paint, clean the area to get rid of any residue left behind.

Once the area is clean, let it dry to prepare the concrete for further treatment or use.

Method 11: Acetone

Step 1: Apply Acetone: Pour a small amount of acetone directly onto the paint. Remember to protect your skin and eyes, as acetone can be harmful.

Step 2: Scrub: Use a scrubbing brush to scrub the area where you’ve applied the acetone. The acetone should help loosen the paint, making scrubbing easier.

Step 3: Rinse and Dry: Once you’ve scrubbed off the paint, rinse the area thoroughly to remove any excess acetone or paint. After rinsing, allow the area to dry completely before use.

Method 12: Scrubbing brush and water

Step 1: Wet the spray Paint or pour water onto the painted area to help soften the paint and make it easier to scrub.

Step 2: Using a scrubbing brush, apply pressure and scrub the paint off. Depending on how old or thick the paint is, this could take time and effort.

Step 3: Rinse and Dry After scrubbing off the paint, rinse the area thoroughly to wash away any loose paint particles. Once it’s clean, allow the area to dry.

Method 13: Using acetone

Using acetone paint from concrete

Step 1: Apply Acetone: Put on your safety gloves. Acetone is strong and can harm your skin. Then, pour a small amount of acetone onto the paint.

Step 2: Start Scrubbing: Now, start scrubbing. Use a firm-bristled brush for this.

Step 3: Rinse and Dry: After scrubbing, rinse the area. Remove all traces of acetone. After that, let it dry.

Method 14: Soda blasting

Step 1: Prep Your Soda Blasting Equipment: Set up your soda blasting kit. It usually comes with a media blaster and a hopper filled with baking soda (the media).

Step 2: Blast Away the Paint: With your safety gear on, start blasting the painted concrete surface. The high pressure and abrasiveness of the baking soda will lift off the paint.

Step 3: Clean Up: Sweep or vacuum the leftover baking soda and paint debris after blasting. Rinse the area well and let it dry completely.

Method 15: Power washing

Step 1: Set Up Your Power Washer: Connect your power washer to a water source. Ensure the washer is in a suitable setting for concrete.

Step 2: Wash Away the Paint: With the power washer ready, aim it at the paint. The high-pressure water will peel away the paint.

Step 3: Clean Up: Once you’re done washing, rinse off any loose paint. Then, allow the area to dry thoroughly.

Commercial Acrylic Paint Remover From Concrete

1. Confined Space Paint Strip Gel

Confined Space Paint Strip Gel – Remove Up to 15 Layers of Latex, Oil, Acrylic, & Water-Based Coatings from Small Spaces – Closets, Furniture, Sheds, Attics, & More – Citrus Lime Aroma – 1/2 Gallon
  • REMOVES UP TO 15 LAYERS OF PAINTS & COATINGS – Strips acrylic, epoxy, urethane, and varnish, as well as latex, oil, & water-based paints from small, tight spaces, usually in a single application.
  • WORKS ON VIRTUALLY ANY SURFACE – Wood, Brick, Unpolished Stone, Steel, Aluminum, Asphalt, Tile, Terra Cotta, Granite, Concrete, Plaster, Cast Iron, Cement, Clapboard, and Slate.
  • EFFECTIVE IN THE SMALLEST SPACES – Citrus Lime formula strips paint and coatings from confined spaces like closets, furniture, sheds, attics, bathtubs, showers, stairwells, and the tiniest rooms!

The Confined Space Paint Strip Gel by Dumond is a highly effective and non-caustic gel designed to remove paint.

With a refreshing lemon scent, this gel comes in a convenient 0.5-gallon volume, providing ample coverage for your paint removal needs.

Its unique gel form ensures easy application, making it perfect for confined spaces.

Trust Dumond’s Confined Space Paint Strip Gel to deliver outstanding results in your paint removal projects.

2. Smart Strip PRO Paint Remover

Smart Strip PRO Paint Remover – Professional Strength Formula – Strips Up to 20 Layers of Oil, Latex, Acrylic, & Water-Based Paints, Varnishes, & Stains Usually in One Application – 2 Quarts
  • REMOVES UP TO 20 LAYERS OF PAINT – Superior performance on Wood, Brick, Stone, Metal, Marble, Terra Cotta, Granite, Concrete, Plaster, Cement, Copper, Tin, Enamel, Slate, Cast Iron, & More!
  • EASY TO USE – Works best on post 1980’s oil, latex, & acrylic-based paints & coatings. Simply apply to desired surface & wait up to 24 hours! Remove with scrapper or pressure washer. No fuss, no muss!
  • AROUND THE WORLD AND BACK – Smart Strip PRO has been used on the toughest restoration projects of historic buildings and landmarks, government facilities, opera and music halls, and homes worldwide!

The Smart Strip PRO Paint Remover is a professional strength formula that tackles even the toughest paint removal jobs.

This powerful remover can strip up to 20 layers of oil, latex, acrylic, water-based paints, varnishes, and stains, usually in just one application.

With 2 quarts of product, you’ll have ample supply to cover large areas. Trust Smart Strip PRO for efficient and effective paint removal in professional projects.

3. MAX Strip All Purpose Remover

Max Strip All Purpose Remover – 22 oz – Removes Paint Spills, Over Spray, Graffiti, Markers, Gum, Glues, Adhesives, Tape Residue, Decals, Sap – No Methylene Chloride No NMP Formula
  • FAST ACTING SPRAY GEL STRIPPER – Does the work of several products in one removing Paint Spills and Over Spray, Graffiti, Markers and Gum, Glues, Adhesives and Tape Residue, Decals, Sap and More!
  • NO HARSH FUMES OR UNPLEASANT ODOR – Ideal for use in confined or small spaces.
  • EASY TO USE WITHOUT CAUSTIC CHEMICALS – Contains NO Methylene Chloride or NMP. Apply to the surface and check every 15 minutes till it’s ready. Remove with scraper. No fuss, no muss!

The MAX Strip All Purpose Remover, in a convenient 22 oz size, is a versatile gel formula designed by MAX Strip.

With an unscented formulation, it can be used for various purposes, including window, floor, rug, upholstery, tile, carpet, furniture, and countertop applications.

This eco-friendly remover is designed to effectively remove a wide range of substances while being mindful of the environment.

Trust MAX Strip All Purpose Remover for your diverse cleaning and stripping needs.

Protecting Concrete While Removing Paint

To protect the concrete while removing paint, follow these steps:

  • Use protective gear (gloves, safety goggles, mask).
  • Cover surrounding areas with plastic or protective sheets.
  • Apply masking tape or painter’s tape to protect specific areas.
  • Be cautious with chemicals and follow safety guidelines.


Does acrylic paint wash off concrete?

No, acrylic paint does not wash off concrete easily once it has dried. It strongly bonds the porous surface, making simple washing ineffective. Additional methods like scraping, solvents, or pressure washing are necessary for effective removal.

What grit sandpaper to remove paint from concrete?

For paint removal from concrete using sandpaper, start with a medium to coarse grit, such as 80 or 100. These grit levels provide sufficient abrasiveness to remove the paint without causing excessive damage. Adjust the grit size based on the paint thickness and condition.

Will vinegar remove paint from concrete?

Vinegar alone is not enough to remove paint stains from concrete. Although vinegar can be effective against certain stains, its acidic nature has a limited impact on dried or stubborn paint. Combine vinegar with scraping, solvents, or pressure washing to remove paint from concrete better.

Will the same paint stripper remove paint from wood floor?

Yes, the same paint stripper that removes paint from other surfaces can also remove paint from wood. Paint strippers are formulated to dissolve and soften paint, allowing it to be scraped or wiped away, making them effective for removing paint from various materials, including wood surfaces. (Here’s a detailed guide on how to get dried acrylic paint off wood floor).


Removing acrylic paint from concrete can be a challenging task. However, with the right methods and tools, it is achievable.

Whether the paint is wet or dried, there are various techniques available. These include scraping, using solvents, or employing mechanical devices.

Prioritizing safety by wearing protective gear and taking precautions with chemicals is essential. 

Following the recommended steps and being patient can successfully restore your concrete surfaces.


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