How to Make Indigo Color

How to Make Indigo Color (8 Different Shades)

Indigo color is captivating and appeals to readers. It holds great significance and has a strong allure.

Its deep blue shade creates a sense of calm and mystery. Indigo has a long history and is widely used in various fields.

It comes from natural sources and is eco-friendly. In this article, we explore the origins, extraction, and creation of indigo color.

You’ll find a step-by-step guide, different shades, and harmonious color combinations. Join us on a colorful journey celebrating the beauty and versatility of indigo.

How to Make Indigo Color

To make indigo color, start by mixing blue base and gradually add small amounts of purple or violet pigment. Mix thoroughly until you achieve the desired shade of rich, dark indigo. Adjust the ratio of blue to purple to achieve variations in the hue.

What is Indigo?: A Brief History

Indigo is a plant-based dye known for its deep blue color. It has a long history that spans many years. People in ancient times valued indigo because it produced a vivid blue hue.

India became a major producer, mastering how to grow indigo plants and make the dye. Through trade routes, indigo reached Europe in the Middle Ages.

The color became associated with royalty and luxury. During the Industrial Revolution, indigo played a big part in the textile industry.

However, synthetic dyes came into the picture, leading to a decline in production. Nowadays, there is a renewed interest in natural indigo dyes due to environmental concerns and traditional craftsmanship.

Skilled artisans are reviving old dyeing methods to create sustainable and unique fabrics.

Indigo represents a mix of culture, art, and nature, captivating people worldwide. Its rich history continues to inspire creativity and connect us to the past.

What Color is Indigo? Indigo Color Meaning – #4B0082

Indigo is one of the seven colors of the rainbow. It is a deep shade that falls between blue and violet in the color spectrum. It is often described as a dark purplish-blue or a rich blue hue with hints of purple.

Indigo color can vary slightly depending on the context. But it is generally recognized as a distinct and intense color.

It holds a captivating and unique position between the primary colors of blue and violet.

Indigo Color Codes

Indigo color codes refer to the numerical values assigned to indigo in different color spaces. Here are the indigo color codes in two commonly used color spaces:

RGB (Red Green Blue) color space:

  • Hexadecimal Code: #4B0082
  • Decimal Code: (75, 0, 130)
  • RGB Values: R = 75, G = 0, B = 130

CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow Black) color space:

  • Cyan: 82%
  • Magenta: 100%
  • Yellow: 0%
  • Black: 49%

Hue Angle:

The hue angle for indigo color typically ranges between 255 and 270 degrees.

Colors related to Indigo:

  • Lavender
  • Periwinkle
  • Denim Blue
  • Violet
  • Purple

Natural Sources of Indigo Pigment

Indigo pigment can be derived from various natural sources, primarily plants. Here are some key natural sources of indigo color:

Indigofera plants and their role in indigo production

Other natural sources of indigo color:

  • Polygonum tinctorium (Japanese indigo): Commonly used in traditional Japanese indigo dyeing.
  • Isatis tinctoria (Woad): A European plant with a long history of indigo production.
  • Strobilanthes cusia (Dyer’s knotweed): Cultivated in certain regions for indigo pigment.

Sustainable and eco-friendly aspects of using natural indigo:

  • Natural indigo production is environmentally friendly and renewable.
  • Indigo plants have nitrogen-fixing properties, benefiting soil health and ecosystems.
  • Traditional indigo extraction methods often employ fermentation and natural materials.

Materials and Equipment

To create indigo color, it is essential to gather the right materials and equipment. Here are some key items you will need:

  • Blue and Violet Pigments. These are the main components for producing indigo color. Make sure you have high-quality pigments that are true to the indigo spectrum.
  • Palette. A palette provides a suitable surface for mixing and blending the pigments. Choose a palette that is spacious enough to accommodate the pigments and allows for easy mixing.
  • Brushes. Select brushes that are appropriate for blending pigments. Different brush sizes and shapes can offer varying effects, so having a variety on hand is beneficial.
  • Mixing Surface. A smooth mixing surface, such as a glass or ceramic plate, is ideal for blending the pigments. It should be easy to clean and provide a stable working area.
  • Measuring Tools. Measuring spoons or small weighing scales can be useful for accurately measuring the pigments, especially when experimenting with different ratios.
  • Water. Having water nearby is helpful for diluting pigments, cleaning brushes, and adjusting the consistency of the mixture.
  • Paper or Testing Surface. Keep some white paper or a testing surface handy to evaluate the color as you mix the pigments. This will allow you to make adjustments and ensure the desired indigo shade is achieved.
  • Documentation Tools. Consider having a notebook or a digital device to record the proportions and techniques used during the color creation process. This documentation can serve as a reference for future projects.

How to Make Indigo Color: Step-by-Step Guide

Indigo, a deep and rich color, can be easily concocted at home. Here are simple steps on how to make indigo colour of rainbow:

Step 1: Gather Materials

  • To begin, gather all the necessary materials for making indigo color, including blue and violet pigments, a palette, brushes, and a mixing surface.
  • Ensure that you have enough of each pigment to achieve the desired shade of indigo.
  • Having the right tools and materials readily available will make the process smoother and more enjoyable.

Step 2: Start with Blue

  • Take two thirds blue pigment and place it on the mixing surface as the base color for your indigo.
  • It’s important to start with a blue pigment that is vibrant and true to the indigo spectrum.
  • The initial blue pigment will serve as the foundation for creating the distinct indigo hue.

Step 3: Add Violet

  • Gradually add a touch of violet pigment to the blue, carefully controlling the amount to avoid overpowering the color.
  • Violet adds depth and richness to the blue pigment, transforming it into the distinctive indigo shade.
  • Stir the mixture gently to ensure that the blue and violet pigments blend harmoniously.

Step 4: Blend Carefully

  • Use a brush to carefully blend the blue and violet pigments together, ensuring a smooth and even mixture.
  • Take your time and be gentle while blending to avoid creating streaks or uneven patches in the color.
  • Aim for a seamless blend, where the individual pigments merge flawlessly to create a unified indigo hue.

Step 5: Observe the Shade

  • After blending the pigments, take a moment to observe the resulting color.
  • Assess whether the shade obtained matches your desired indigo color or if any adjustments are needed.
  • Depending on personal preference, you may choose to add more blue or violet pigment to achieve the ideal indigo tone.

Step 6: Adjust and Experiment

  • If the obtained color is not precisely what you envisioned, feel free to adjust the proportions of blue and vivid violet pigments.
  • Experiment by adding small increments of either pigment to fine-tune the indigo shade to your liking.
  • Keep in mind that achieving the perfect indigo color may require several iterations and adjustments.

Tips for Creating Indigo Color

  1. Use a neutral base color. Consider starting with a neutral base color, such as a gray or white, before adding the blue and violet pigments. This can help create a more accurate and vibrant indigo hue.
  2. Use high-quality pigments. Invest in high-quality pigments to achieve the best results. Lower quality pigments may not provide the desired depth and richness that indigo color is known for.
  3. Experiment with different pigments. While blue and violet pigments are commonly used to create indigo, don’t be afraid to experiment with other pigments, such as deep purples or deep blues. This can lead to unique variations of indigo.
  4. Create depth with layering. To add depth to your indigo color, try layering multiple thin coats of the pigment mixture. Each layer will intensify the color and create a more dynamic appearance.
  5. Add complementary colors. Enhance the richness of indigo by incorporating small amounts of complementary colors, such as a touch of orange or red. This can create subtle undertones that make the indigo shade more visually striking.
  6. Take inspiration from nature. Observe natural indigo sources, such as indigo plant or deep blue flowers, to gain inspiration for creating your own indigo color. Nature can provide valuable insights into achieving authentic and captivating shades.
  7. Keep a wet palette. If you’re working on a longer project or need to take breaks, consider using a wet palette. This helps keep the pigments moist and workable for an extended period, preventing them from drying out.
  8. Practice color mixing. Improve your color mixing skills by experimenting with different ratios of blue and violet pigments. Take note of the subtle changes that occur with each adjustment, allowing you to refine your ability to create the perfect indigo shade.

Various Shades of Indigo Color

1. Electric Indigo Color #6f00ff

The electric indigo color, represented by #6f00ff, is a bright and saturated shade that falls between traditional indigo and violet.

It exhibits a vibrant bluish-violet tone and is closely associated with the brilliance of indigo dye. On computer screens, it closely approximates the Spectrum Indigo color.

In the RGB color space, it comprises 43.53% red, 0.0% green, and 100.0% blue. In the CMYK color space, it consists of 56.47% cyan, 100.0% magenta, 0.0% yellow, and 0.0% black.

The complementary color to electric indigo is contrasting lime green. If you’ve ever wondered what two colors make lime green, it is typically created by mixing bright yellow and vibrant green together, resulting in its eye-catching and energetic appearance.

This captivating color adds energy and a vivid touch to various design applications such as production of denim cloth for blue jeans.

2. Dark Indigo Color #2a0d5d

The Dark Indigo Color #2a0d5d, also known as deep indigo or Prussian blue, belongs to the deep purple color family.

It has medium brightness and high saturation. In the RGB color space, #2a0d5d consists of 16.47% red, 5.1% green, and 36.47% blue, with decimal values of 42 for red, 13 for green, and 93 for blue.

In the CMYK color space, it consists of 54.84% cyan, 86.02% magenta, 0.0% yellow, and 63.53% black. This dark indigo shade offers a visually captivating and intriguing option for design projects.

3. Deep Indigo Color #2b0071

Deep Indigo Color #2b0071: This shade of indigo, known as deep indigo or royal indigo, belongs to the deep purple color family. It has medium brightness and high saturation.

In the RGB color space, #2b0071 consists of 16.47% red, 0.0% green, and 44.31% blue, with decimal values of 43 for red, 0 for green, and 113 for blue.

This deep indigo shade exudes elegance and sophistication.

4. Violet Indigo Color #3e285c

Violet Indigo Color #3e285c: This indigo shade blends the richness of indigo with subtle violet undertones. It has medium brightness and high saturation.

In the RGB color space, #3e285c consists of 24.31% red, 15.69% green, and 36.47% blue, with decimal values of 62 for red, 40 for green, and 92 for blue.

This violet indigo hue exudes sophistication and adds a regal charm to designs.

5. Pigment Indigo Color #4b0082

Pigment Indigo Color #4b0082, also known as web color indigo, is a versatile hue used in art. It can be tinted with paint or colored pencils.

The indigo pigment used in painting appears slightly duller compared to screens. On a computer screen, it appears closer to violet.

In the RGB color space, #4b0082 consists of 29.41% red, 0.0% green, and 50.98% blue. In the CMYK color space, it consists of 42.31% cyan, 100.0% magenta, 0.0% yellow, and 49.02% black.

6. Heather Indigo Color #2d2643

Heather Indigo Color #2d2643 blends blue and purple, creating an attractive overall indigo hue. Pair it with purple, violet, or dark blue to enhance specific color tones.

In RGB, #2d2643 has 17.65% red, 14.9% green, and 26.27% blue. In CMYK, it consists of 32.84% cyan, 43.28% magenta, 0.0% yellow, and 73.72% black.

7. Indigo Dye Color #00416a

This deep blue shade represents the traditional indigo dye color. It captures the essence of indigo as a natural dye. In the RGB color space, #00416a consists of 0.0% red, 25.1% green, and 41.18% blue.

It is widely used in textile dyeing and artistic applications to achieve the classic indigo aesthetic.

8. Midnight Indigo Color #0e1b40

This shade, known as midnight indigo, captures the deep blue hue of the night sky. With its rich and dark indigo tone, it exudes mystery and tranquility.

In the RGB color space, #0e1b40 consists of 5.1% red, 10.98% green, and 25.1% blue. Midnight indigo adds depth and sophistication to designs, evoking a serene and calm atmosphere.

Table of Various Shades of Indigo Color

Shade NameHEX #RGB CodeCMYK CodeColor
Electric Indigo#6f00ff111, 0, 25557, 100, 0, 0Color
Dark Indigo#2a0d5d42, 13, 9355, 86, 0, 64Color
Deep Indigo#2b007143, 0, 11362, 100, 0, 56Color
Violet Indigo#3e285c62, 40, 9233, 57, 0, 64Color
Pigment Indigo#4b008275, 0, 13042, 100, 0, 49Color
Heather Indigo#2d264345, 38, 6733, 43, 0, 74Color
Indigo Dye#00416a0, 65, 106100, 39, 0, 58Color
Midnight Indigo#0e1b4014, 27, 6478, 58, 0, 75Color

Indigo Color Combinations

Complementary Indigo Color Combinations

Indigo (#4B0082) and its complementary color (#669900) sit opposite on the color wheel, creating contrast.

Complementary palettes capture attention and engage viewers. Combine indigo with its complementary color for balance.

The deep indigo complements the vibrant tones. This blend adds depth and brightness to designs.

Monochromatic Indigo Color Combinations

Indigo (#4B0082) pairs well with Deep Magenta (#800099) and Imperial Blue (#001a99). This analogous palette offers a soothing and harmonious visual experience.

Combine these related hues for a cohesive and calming color combination. The deep magenta and imperial blue complement indigo seamlessly, creating balance.

Experiment with proportions and applications to find your desired blend.

Triadic Indigo Color Combinations

Indigo (#4B0082) can be paired with colors from a triadic color scheme to create visually dynamic and energetic palettes.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Indigo, Yellow, and Red. Combine indigo with vibrant shades of yellow and red for a bold and lively color combination. The contrasting hues create a vibrant and attention-grabbing palette.
  • Indigo, Green, and Orange. Pair indigo with shades of green and orange to achieve a harmonious yet energetic color scheme. The combination of cool indigo with warm greens and oranges creates a balanced and dynamic palette.
  • Indigo, Blue, and Purple. Blend spectral indigo with shades of blue and purple for a soothing and serene color combination. This triadic palette evokes a sense of tranquility and elegance.

Analogous Indigo Color Combinations

Indigo (#4B0082) can be paired with neighboring colors on the color wheel to create harmonious and visually pleasing palettes.

Here are some examples:

  • Indigo, Deep Magenta, and Imperial Blue. Combine indigo with deep magenta (#800099) and imperial blue (#001a99) for a captivating and soothing analogous color palette.
  • Indigo, Purple, and Blue-Violet. Blend indigo with shades of purple and blue-violet for an elegant and cohesive color combination. This analogous palette exudes a sense of sophistication and unity.
  • Indigo, Navy Blue, and Teal. Pair indigo with navy blue and teal for a cool and serene color scheme. (Take a look at what colors mixed make teal).

Application of Indigo Color

  • Fashion and Apparel. Stylish indigo-colored clothing and accessories for a touch of sophistication and style.
  • Home Decor. Indigo accents like pillows, rugs, and curtains, creating a serene and stylish ambiance.
  • Graphic Design and Branding. Indigo hues in logos, marketing materials, and digital graphics, evoking elegance and creativity.
  • Fine Arts. Indigo paint and dyes in paintings and mixed media artwork, creating captivating visual effects.
  • Ceramics and Pottery. Indigo glazes and techniques adding depth and richness to pottery creations.
  • Wedding Themes. Indigo-inspired color schemes for bridesmaid dresses and floral arrangements, creating an enchanting atmosphere.
  • Nail Art. Elegant indigo nail polish shades and intricate designs for stylish manicures.


Is indigo a blue or a purple?

Indigo is a color that falls between blue and purple on the color spectrum. It can be described as a deep and intense shade of blue with hints of purple.

What colors go with indigo?

Indigo pairs well with a range of colors. Some complementary color options include shades of yellow, orange, and gold, which create a striking contrast. Indigo also harmonizes with cool tones like turquoise, teal, and green, as well as neutrals such as gray, white, and black.

What colour is indigo and violet?

Indigo is a deep blue color with a touch of purple, while violet is a hue that primarily consists of shades of purple. Indigo has a darker shade and more intense appearance, while violet is lighter and softer.

What two colors make violet?

Making violet color requires blue and red. When blue and red are combined, they produce the secondary color violet. Different shades of violet can be achieved by adjusting the ratios of blue and red in the mixture.

Is indigo a shade of blue?

Indigo is a shade of blue, situated between blue and violet on the color spectrum, with a slight purplish hue. The difference between indigo and blue lies in its unique darkness and intensity, historically obtained from the plant Indigofera tinctoria, associated with mystery and depth in textiles and fabrics.


To sum up, making indigo color is an exciting process that combines history, nature, and art.

By extracting indigo pigment from plants using traditional or modern methods, you can create unique and captivating dyeing experiences.

Exploring different shades of indigo expands your creative options. Indigo color enhances images, personal style, and interior design, adding depth and beauty.

Embrace the versatility of indigo color to unleash your creativity and bring your artistic visions to life. Enjoy the journey of creating indigo color and let its timeless charm inspire you along the way.


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