Why Do Acrylic Nails Lift

Why Do Acrylic Nails Lift? (11 Reasons Why!)

If you’re like most people, you love having acrylic nails. They make your hands look beautiful and well-manicured.

However, there’s nothing more frustrating than when your acrylic nails start lifting from the nail bed or the cuticle.

So why do acrylic nails lift in the first place? In this blog post, we will explore the various reasons why acrylic nails may start to lift.

We will also provide tips on how to fix them if they do start to lift. Keep reading for more information!

Why Do Acrylic Nails Lift?

There are a few different reasons why your acrylic nails may start to lift. If you use low-quality acrylic nail products, go to an untrained nail technician, or don’t take care of your nails properly, this can all lead to acrylic nails that lift. Additionally, if you don’t use a nail primer or dehydrator before applying the acrylic, if you don’t apply a top coat, or if your natural nails are too short and weak, these can also cause lifting.

What Does Acrylic Nail Lifting Look Like?

If you’ve ever had acrylic nails, they can be a bit of a pain to keep up with.

Not only do you have to worry about them chipping or breaking, but you also have to deal with the occasional problem of them lifting.

Acrylic nail lifting can be caused by a number of factors, including poor application, moisture, and even picking at your nails.

So what does it look like when your acrylic nails start to lift? Well, first of all, you’ll notice that the edge of your nail starts to lift away from the nail bed.

This can lead to the entire natural nail becoming loose and acrylic nails popping off, then later on making the real nail rip off. In addition, you may also see white spots or lines forming on the surface of your nails.

These are called “stress lines” and are caused by the nail being pulled away from the nail bed.

If you see these stress lines, it’s important to take action immediately to prevent the acrylic nails from lifting any further.

Related read: What to do when you get your nail ripped off with acrylic.

Why Does My Acrylic Nails Keep Lifting?

The following are some of the most common reasons why acrylic nails keep lifting:

1. Low-quality acrylic nail products are being used

If you’ve ever had your acrylic nails come loose, you know how frustrating it can be. Not only does it ruin your manicure, but it can also be painful and damaging to your nails.

Unfortunately, this problem is becoming increasingly common as more and more people are using low-quality acrylic nail products.

In many cases, the glue used to attach the nails is of poor quality, causing the nails to lift or come loose.

In other cases, the acrylic itself is of poor quality, leading to brittleness that makes the nails more likely to break.

So why do people use low-quality products? The answer is simple: to save money. Low-quality products may be cheaper, but they don’t last as long, and they don’t look as good.

So, if you’re fed up with your nail lifting, it’s time to start using better-quality products. Your nails will thank you for it!

2. Untrained nail tech

Another common reason why acrylic nails keep lifting is that a trained nail technician did not apply them.

Many people try to apply their own acrylic nails or go to untrained “nail artists” for their manicures.

While it may be tempting to save money by doing your own nails, or going to someone who is not a professional, it’s important to remember that this can lead to serious problems.

If your nails are not applied correctly, they will be more likely to lift or come loose.

In addition, untrained technicians may use poor-quality products, which can also cause lifting.

So, if you want to avoid having your acrylic nails lift, it’s important to make sure that they are applied by a trained professional.

3. Acrylic nails were not taken care of properly

Once your acrylic nails have been applied, taking care of them properly is important if you want them to last.

This means avoiding activities that can damage your nails, such as picking or biting them.

It also means keeping your nails clean and dry and applying a top coat every few weeks.

If you don’t take care of your nails properly, they will become weak, brittle, and more likely to lift.

4. Nail primers & dehydrators were not used

If you’ve ever had your acrylic nails loose, you may wonder why this happened. In many cases, the problem can be traced back to the nail primer and dehydrator.

These products are used to prepare the nails for the acrylic application and help create a strong bond between the nails and the acrylic.

However, if these products are not used correctly or are not of good quality, they can cause the nails to lift.

So, if you’re having problems with your acrylic nails lifting, make sure that you’re using a good-quality primer and dehydrator.

5. A top coat was not applied

After applying your acrylic nails, it’s important to apply a top coat. This will help to protect your nails from damage, and it will also make them last longer.

However, if you don’t apply a top coat, your nails will be more likely to lift. So, if you want your acrylic nails to last, make sure that you always apply a top coat.

6. Natural nails were too short & weak

If your natural nails are too short or too weak, they may not be able to support the weight of the acrylic nails. This can cause the nails to lift or even break.

So, if you’re having problems with your acrylic nails lifting, make sure that your natural nails are strong and long enough to support them.

7. An incorrect powder-to-liquid ratio was used

When mixing the powder and liquid for the acrylic application, it’s important to use the correct ratio.

If too much powder is used, the nails will be too brittle and more likely to lift. On the other hand, if too much liquid is used, the nails will be too soft and more likely to break.

So, if you’re having problems with your acrylic nails lifting, make sure you’re using the correct powder to liquid ratio.

8. Acrylic nails were exposed to stress & harsh environment

If your acrylic nails are constantly exposed to stress or a harsh environment, they will become weak and more likely to lift.

Some of the stress and harsh environment include:

So, if you want your acrylic nails to last, ensure you’re not exposing them to too much stress or a harsh environment.

9. Acrylic nails were too long

If your acrylic nails are too long, they will be more likely to break or lift. Why? Because the longer the nails are, the more weight they have to support.

And, if they’re too long, they will be more likely to catch on to things and break. So, if you want your acrylic nails to last, make sure that you keep them a reasonable length.

10. Incorrect prepping of the cuticles

If the cuticles are not correctly prepped before the acrylic application, it can cause the nails to lift.

The cuticles need to be pushed back and cleaned before the acrylics can be applied. If this step is not done correctly, it can cause the nails to lift.

Using a cuticle pusher and an orange stick is the best way to prep your cuticles to avoid lifting.

11. Natural nail growing quick

If your natural nails grow faster with acrylics, it could cause the acrylics to lift. Why? Because as your nails grow, the acrylics will become loose and more likely to lift.

So, if your nails are growing too quickly, it’s best to have them trimmed down before they cause the acrylics to lift.

Read also: Can I put an acrylic nail on a missing fingernail?

Why Do My Nails Keep Lifting from the Nail Bed?

If you’ve ever had a nail lift from the nail bed, you know it’s not a pleasant experience. It can be painful, and it can also make your nails look unsightly.

But what exactly causes this problem? There are actually several reasons why nails may lift from the nail bed.

  • One of the most common causes is an injury to the nail. For example, if you bang your finger or toe hard enough, it can cause the nail to separate from the bed.
  • Another common cause is a fungal infection. A fungus that affects your nails can weaken the bond between the nail and the bed, causing the nail to lift.
  • Finally, certain medical conditions, such as psoriasis, can also cause nails to lift from the bed.

If you’re concerned about your nails lifting, talk to your doctor about potential causes and treatment options.

Interesting read: Why are my nails green?

Why Do My Acrylic Nails Keep Lifting at the Cuticle?

There are actually a few different reasons why acrylic nails might lift at the cuticle, including the ones we’ve listed above.

  • One possibility is that the nail bed is not properly prepared before the acrylic is applied. If the nails are not buffed and cleaned properly, it can create a rough surface that the acrylic has trouble bonding to.
  • Another possibility is that the acrylic itself is not of good quality. If the powder is old or has gotten wet, it can make it harder for the nails to adhere.
  • Finally, it’s also possible that you are simply not giving the nails enough time to set before trying to use them. If you try to do too much too soon after getting your nails done, it can increase the risk of lifting.

How to Fix Lifting Acrylic Nails at Home

If you find that your acrylic nails are starting to lift, there are a few things you can do to try to fix the problem at home.

  • One of the simplest methods is to gently push the lifted edge back down with a cuticle pusher.
  • If the lifting is just at the edges, you can try using a file to smooth them out. This will help the nails adhere better and hopefully prevent further lifting.
  • If the lifting is more severe, you can try using nail glue to reattach the nails.
  • You can also try using clear tape to hold the nails in place until they have a chance to set.
  • If your nails are still giving you trouble, you can try soaking them in vinegar or warm water for five minutes. This will help to loosen the adhesive and make it easier to push the nails back into place.
  • If all else fails, you can always go back to your nail technician and have them redo your nails.

Why Do My Acrylic Nails Hurt?

If you get acrylic nails hurt first day, it’s important to figure out why. There are a few possibilities.

  • One is that the nails are too long. If they’re hitting the ends of your shoes or scraping against other surfaces, it can cause pain.
  • Another possibility is that the nails are too tight. It can also be painful if they’re dug into your skin or put too much pressure on your nails.
  • Finally, the acrylic itself may be irritating your skin. If you have sensitive skin, you may want to switch to a different type of nail product.

Talk to your nail technician or doctor about potential causes and treatment options if you’re having trouble with your acrylic nails.

How Old Do You Have to be To Do Nails?

The age requirement to get acrylic nails varies depending on the salon’s policy and the regulations in your region. In many places, there is no specific legal age restriction for getting acrylic nails applied in a salon.

Some salons may have their own policies regarding age and may require parental consent for minors.

Check with the salon you plan to visit to inquire about their age policy for acrylic nail services. If you are a minor, have a parent or guardian accompany you to the salon to ensure compliance with any age-related requirements.

The decision to get acrylic nails should be made responsibly. Consider factors like age appropriateness, proper nail care, and parental consent if needed.

If you have any concerns or questions, don’t hesitate to discuss them with the salon staff before getting acrylic nails.


Why are my acrylic nails lifting after a week?

Suppose your acrylic nails are lifting after a week. In that case, it could be due to any number of reasons, including poor quality products, incorrect application, or not taking care of your nails properly. If you’re concerned about your nails, talk to your nail technician or doctor about potential causes and treatment options.

Why do my acrylic nails keep breaking?

If your acrylic nails keep breaking, it could be for several reasons. For example, it could be that you’re using low-quality acrylic nail products, that your nails are too short and weak, or that you’re not taking care of them properly.

How do you stop acrylic nails from lifting?

If you want to stop your acrylic nails from lifting, you need to make sure that you’re using high-quality products, that your nails are the correct length, and that you’re taking care of them properly. You also need to ensure you’re not exposing them to stress or harsh environments.

Why are my clients acrylic nails popping off?

There could be a number of reasons why your clients’ acrylic nails are popping off. It could be that the nails are too long, that the cuticles were not correctly prepped, or that the natural nail is growing quickly.

What do you do when acrylic nails lift real nails?

If your acrylic nails are lifting your real nails, then it’s time to take them off. But why do acrylic nails lift in the first place? There are a few reasons why this can happen:
Low-quality acrylic nail products can cause lifting
Untrained nail tech will not create lasting acrylic nails
Acrylic nails lift if they are not taken care of properly

How long should acrylic nails last?

When done correctly, acrylic nails can last up to six weeks. But if you start to see lifting at the base of the nail or any pain, it’s time to take them off and give your natural nails a break.


Acrylic nails can be a great way to protect your natural nails and add a bit of style.

But if they’re not applied correctly or taken care of properly, they can start to lift, causing pain and damage to your natural nails.

Talk to your nail technician or doctor about potential causes and treatment options if you’re having trouble with your acrylic nails. Thanks for reading!


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