What Color Does Blue and Green Make When Mixed

What Color Does Blue and Green Make When Mixed?

Have you ever wondered what happens when you mix the colors blue and green together? The result is a captivating hue known as cyan. 

In this blog post, I will delve into the world of color mixing and explore the outcome of mixing blue and green. I will also uncover the science behind color mixing.

So, whether you’re an artist seeking inspiration or simply curious about the magic of colors, join me on this colorful journey as I unveil the captivating shade that emerges when blue and green collide. 

Get ready to dive into the mesmerizing world of color exploration and uncover the mysteries of what happens when you mix green and blue.

What Color Does Blue and Green Make When Mixed?

Blue and green create the color cyan when mixed. Cyan is a vibrant, blue-green hue that is often associated with a sense of freshness and tranquility. It combines the calming qualities of blue with the vibrancy of green, resulting in a color that can evoke feelings of serenity and rejuvenation.

Understanding the Color Blue

Color composition and origin

Blue is a captivating and versatile color opposite of brown on the color wheel, holding a special place in our visual experience. It’s associated with qualities such as tranquility, serenity, and depth. 

Blue is one of the primary colors in the subtractive color model, along with red and yellow.

When combined with red, it can create shades of purple. Mixing it with yellow produces various shades of green.

The origin of the color blue can be traced back to the way our eyes perceive light. Blue light has a shorter wavelength compared to other colors in the visible spectrum. 

When sunlight passes through the Earth’s atmosphere, it scatters more blue light than any other color, giving the sky its iconic blue hue.

In the digital world, colors are represented using codes. Here are the codes associated with the color blue:

The HEX code for blue is #0000FF. It is a six-digit hexadecimal code that represents the intensity of red, green, and blue light in a color.

The RGB code for blue is (0, 0, 255). It represents the amount of red, green, and blue light in the color on a scale of 0 to 255.

In the CMYK color model used in printing, blue is represented by a combination of cyan (C), magenta (M), yellow (Y), and black (K). 

The CMYK code for blue is (100%, 100%, 0%, 0%), indicating a full intensity of cyan and magenta in the absence of yellow and black.

These codes provide a standardized way to reproduce and communicate the color blue across various mediums.

Understanding the color blue

Psychological associations and symbolism

Blue carries profound psychological associations and symbolism that make it an intriguing color to explore. 

It’s often associated with calmness, serenity, and relaxation, evoking a sense of peace and harmony. Blue is also linked to trustworthiness, reliability, and stability.

It promotes effective communication, clear thinking, and intellectual pursuits, symbolizing clarity and wisdom. 

Blue’s coolness makes it reminiscent of water and evokes feelings of coolness and cleanliness. 

While people associate blue with sadness, its spiritual connotations of transcendence and higher consciousness add a deeper dimension to its symbolism. 

Understanding the Color Green

Color composition and origin

Green is a captivating color that is closely associated with nature, growth, and harmony. Let’s explore some key aspects of the color green:

Green is a secondary color, created by combining the primary colors of blue and yellow. It’s situated between blue and yellow on the traditional color wheel. 

The specific shade of green can vary based on the proportions of blue and yellow used.

Green finds its origin in the natural world, where an abundance of plant life and foliage creates a lush green landscape. 

The HEX code for green is #00FF00. It is a six-digit hexadecimal code representing the intensity of red, green, and blue light in the color.

The RGB code for green is (0, 255, 0). It indicates the amount of red, green, and blue light present in the color on a scale of 0 to 255.

In the CMYK color model used in printing, green is represented by a combination of cyan (C), yellow (Y), and black (K). The CMYK code for green is (100%, 0%, 100%, 0%), signifying full intensity of cyan and yellow without the use of black.

Psychological associations and symbolism

Green holds significant psychological associations and symbolism that resonate with our senses. It’s often associated with feelings of calmness, tranquility, and balance, evoking a sense of harmony and natural serenity. 

Green is also connected to growth, renewal, and vitality, symbolizing new beginnings and the cycle of life. 

It has a refreshing and rejuvenating effect, promoting a sense of well-being and relaxation. Green is associated with luck, prosperity, and abundance, representing financial success and good fortune. 

Green is also linked to environmental consciousness and sustainability. It reminds us of our connection to the Earth and the importance of preserving our planet. 

The psychological associations and symbolism of green paint a picture of harmony, growth, and positive energy that can inspire and uplift our spirits.

Understanding the color green

Color Theory

Color theory is a field of study that explores the principles and relationships behind colors. It encompasses various concepts, including the color wheel and color harmony. 

Here are some key aspects of color theory:

Color wheel. The color wheel is a visual representation of the primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. It helps us understand color relationships and how you can combine colors.

Primary colors. These are the building blocks of all other colors. In traditional color theory, they are red, blue, and yellow. These colors cannot be created by mixing other colors together.

Secondary colors. Secondary colors are created by mixing two primary colors together. They include green (blue + yellow), orange (red + yellow), and purple (red + blue).

Tertiary colors. Tertiary colors are formed by mixing a primary color with a neighboring secondary color. They are located between primary and secondary colors on the color wheel, such as red-orange or yellow-green.

Color harmony. Color harmony refers to the pleasing arrangement of colors in a composition. It involves understanding concepts like complementary colors, analogous colors, and triadic colors.

Psychological effects of colors. Colors have psychological associations and can evoke emotional responses. 

Basics of Color Mixing

Color mixing involves combining different colors to create new colors. There are two primary methods of color mixing: additive and subtractive.

Additive color mixing

Additive color mixing refers to the process of combining colored light to create new colors. It’s used in digital displays, such as computer screens and TVs. 

The primary colors used in additive mixing are red, green, and blue (RGB). When these colors are combined at full intensity, they create white light. 

By varying the intensity of each primary color, you produce different colors. For example, combining red and green light produces yellow, while mixing red and blue makes magenta.

Subtractive color mixing

Subtractive color mixing involves the combination of pigments or dyes to create new colors. It’s commonly used in traditional painting, printing, and mixing physical substances. 

The primary colors used in subtractive mixing are cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY). When you mix these colors at full intensity, you create a dark, neutral color, often appearing as black or dark brown. 

By subtracting specific wavelengths of light from the white light that falls on the surface, you observe different colors. For example, mixing cyan and yellow pigments results in green, while combining magenta and yellow produces red.

Understanding the CMYK and RGB Color Models

The CMYK and RGB color models are two commonly used systems for representing and mixing colors. Each model has its own purpose and application. 

Here’s a breakdown of these color models:

CMYK color model

CMYK stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (Black). This color model is used in printing and refers to the subtractive color mixing process. 

In CMYK, colors are created by subtracting specific wavelengths of light from white light. The more ink of each color is added, the darker the resulting color.

  • Cyan absorbs red light
  • Magenta absorbs green light
  • Yellow absorbs blue light
  • Black (Key) is added to enhance contrast and create richer dark tones

The CMYK model is used because most printing processes involve layering cyan, magenta, yellow, and black inks to reproduce colors on paper. 

It’s commonly used in graphic design, printing materials, and other physical color applications.

RGB color model

RGB stands for Red, Green, and Blue. This color model is based on the additive color mixing process. 

It’s used in digital displays like computer screens, TVs, and projectors. In RGB, colors are created by adding various intensities of red, green, and blue light.

  • Red, green, and blue are the primary colors in RGB
  • Combining all three primary colors at full intensity creates white light
  • The absence of all colors (no light) produces black

The RGB model is used because digital screens emit light. By combining different intensities of red, green, and blue, you display a broad spectrum of colors.

RGB color model

What Color Do Blue and Green Make When Mixing Paint?

When blue and green paint are mixed together, they create a vibrant shade known as cyan. Cyan is a blue-green color that falls between blue and green on the color spectrum. 

Green and blue combination absorbs red light wavelengths, causing the perception of cyan. 

The exact shade of cyan may vary depending on the specific shades of blue and green used and the ratios in which they are mixed. 

The overall result is a visually appealing color that combines the calming qualities of blue with the freshness of green. 

Read also: blue and brown make what color?

What Color Do Blue and Green Make When Mixing Lights?

Blue and green lights make the color cyan when mixed. Cyan is a secondary color that falls between blue and green on the color spectrum. 

It is often associated with the color of clear tropical waters or the sky on a bright, sunny day. It looks like a pale sky blue.

In light, color mixing is based on the additive color model. This model states that different colors of light can be combined to produce new colors. 

Blue light has a shorter wavelength and higher frequency. The green light has a longer wavelength and lower frequency. 

When these two colors of light overlap or are superimposed, the cones in our eyes perceive the combined wavelengths, resulting in the perception of cyan.

How to Mix Color Blue and Green

To mix blue and green, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the primary colors. Blue and green are both primary colors. If you have tubes or containers of blue and green paint, you can use them directly. 

If you do not have green, you can create it by mixing equal parts of blue and yellow to create green. Adjust the proportions as needed to achieve the desired shades of blue and green.

Step 2: Prepare your mixing surface. Use a clean palette, mixing tray, or any other suitable surface to blend the colors. You will need enough space to mix and work with the colors comfortably.

Step 3: Start with small amounts. Begin by squeezing a small amount of blue paint onto your mixing surface. Then, add a small amount of green paint next to it. 

Control the color outcome by starting with smaller quantities and gradually adding more if needed.

Step 4: Mix the colors. Use a palette knife, paintbrush, or any other suitable tool to blend the blue and green colors together. Start by moving the colors back and forth. 

Mix them in a horizontal motion. Continue mixing until you achieve a consistent blend and the desired shade of cyan.

Step 5: Adjust the mixture. If the resulting color is not exactly what you’re looking for, you can fine-tune it by adding more blue or green paint. 

Add small increments at a time, mixing well between each addition, until you achieve the desired color.

How to mMx Color Blue and Green

Read also: What color does green and purple make when mixed?

Shades of Cyan

Shades of cyan can vary depending on the specific color palette or system you are using. If you understand what colors make up cyan, you can arrive at different shades easily by adjusting the ratio.

Here is a table showing the common shades of cyan:

ShadesHEX codesRGB codeCMYK codeColor
Light cyan#E0FFFF224, 255, 25512, 0, 0, 0Color
Aqua#00FFFF0, 255, 255100, 0, 0, 0Color
Teal#0080800, 128, 128100, 0, 0, 50Color
Electric cyan#00FFFF0, 255, 255100, 0, 0, 0Color
Steel cyan#4682B470, 130, 18061, 28, 0, 29Color
Mint green#98FF98152, 255, 15241, 0, 41, 0Color
Turquoise#40E0D064, 224, 20871, 0, 7, 12Color

How to Create Shades and Tints of Cyan

Making lighter cyan

To create lighter shades and tints of cyan, you can use the following methods:

1. Mixing with white

Start with your base cyan color. Add small amounts of white paint to the cyan and mix well. 

Keep adding white until you achieve the desired lighter shade of cyan. This method creates tints of cyan by diluting the color with white.

Interesting read: How do you get white

2. Adding water or a transparent medium

If you’re working with watercolors or acrylics, you can create lighter cyan shades by diluting the paint with water or a transparent medium.

Start with your base cyan color and then add water or a transparent medium to it. Mix well until you achieve the desired lighter shade.

3. Layering techniques

Another way to achieve lighter cyan shades is through layering. Start with a base layer of cyan and allow it to dry. 

Then, apply additional layers of diluted cyan or lighter washes on top. By building up transparent or semi-transparent layers, you lighten the color and create a range of shades.

4. Digital design

If you’re working with digital design software, you can adjust the brightness or opacity of the cyan color to create lighter shades. 

Select the cyan color and use the brightness or opacity sliders or settings to lighten the color to the desired level. 

Making darker cyan

To create darker shades of cyan, use the following methods:

1. Mix cyan with black

Add small amounts of black paint to your base color. Mix well after each addition to ensure the color is evenly distributed. 

Continue adding black until you achieve the desired darker shade of cyan. This black lower the lightness and intensity of the color.

You can also use a darker blue to create darker shades of cyan.

Read more on how to make black color naturally at home.

2. Mix cyan with complementary colors

Complementary colors neutralize each other and create darker tones when mixed. Cyan’s complementary color is red or variations of red. 

So, mix a small amount of red or magenta paint into your cyan color, to create a darker shade. Adjust the proportions until you achieve the desired darker cyan shade. 

3. Layering and glazing

If you’re working with paints like watercolors or glazes, you can create darker cyan shades through layering and glazing techniques. 

Start with a base layer of cyan and allow it to dry. Apply subsequent layers of darker cyan washes or glazes on top, building up the color gradually. 

4. Digital design

In digital design software, you can adjust the saturation and darkness values of the cyan color to create darker shades. 

Select the cyan color and adjust the saturation or darkness sliders or settings to darken the color to the desired level. 

Does Cyan Have a Meaning?

Cyan is a color that has symbolic meanings and associations across different cultures and contexts. Here are some common meanings associated with cyan:

Cyan means tranquility, calmness, and serenity. It is reminiscent of clear skies and peaceful waters, evoking a sense of relaxation and peacefulness.

It symbolizes refreshment and revitalization. Its resemblance to cool water or minty shades can give a sense of invigoration and rejuvenation.

Cyan is also associated with communication and expression. It’s often used to represent clarity and openness in conveying messages and ideas.

Cyan is associated with modernity and technology, particularly in the digital realm. It’s used in digital interfaces, logos, and branding.

Cyan’s resemblance to clear water and vegetation evokes thoughts of purity and sustainability. 

Applications of Cyan

Cyan, as a color, has various applications in different fields and industries. Here are some notable applications of cyan:

  • Design and branding
  • Printing and graphic arts
  • Web design and digital interfaces
  • Photography and film
  • Fashion and apparel
  • Interior design
  • Environmental and sustainability initiatives

Is Cyan a Type of Blue-Green?

Yes, cyan is a type of blue-green color. It is often described as a bluish-green or greenish-blue hue. 

Cyan is a distinct color in its own right, but its position between blue and green gives it characteristics that are influenced by both colors. 

The exact shade and perception of cyan can vary. Different color systems or interpretations may have slight variations in the specific hue.

However, in general, cyan is a distinct shade within the blue-green color range.

Are Blue and Green Complementary Colors?

Yes, blue and green are complementary colors. In the traditional color wheel, blue and green are located opposite each other. 

Complementary colors are pairs of colors that, when combined, create a neutral or grayish tone.

Green and blue mixed create shades of cyan, which is a color located between blue and green on the color spectrum. 


What color light does blue and green make?

Blue light and green light are combined to produce the cyan light. Cyan is a color that falls between blue and green on the color spectrum and appears as a bluish-green color.

Can you put blue and green together?

Yes, you can put blue and green together. Because they are both cool colors, you can put them together to create appealing color schemes, designs, and artwork. The combination of blue and green can evoke a sense of nature, tranquility, and harmony.

Does green and blue make purple?

No, green and blue do not make purple. When green and blue are combined in the subtractive color model they create a shade of cyan. Purple is made by mixing blue and red together. To explore this mix further, read our article on what color does red white and blue make.

What are the RGB tertiary colors?

The RGB tertiary colors are:
Yellow- made by mixing red and green (255, 255, 0)
Cyan- made by mixing green and blue (0, 255, 255)
Magenta- made by mixing blue and red (255, 0, 255)

Is sage green the same as mint green?

When comparing mint green vs sage, they are distinct shades. Sage green is a muted, grayish-green with a hint of blue, while mint green is a brighter, cooler pastel green. They have different undertones and aesthetics, making them visually unique within the green color spectrum.


Now you know that when blue and green mix together, they create the captivating color of cyan. This vibrant hue combines the calming qualities of blue with the freshness and vibrancy of green. 

Whether in the world of art or the realm of science, the mixing of colors is a fascinating exploration. It unveils the magic and beauty of the visual spectrum. 

Understanding the principles of color theory, the associations of blue and green allow us to appreciate the harmonies that exist within the realm of color. 

So, let your imagination dive into the mesmerizing world of color mixing.


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