What Color Does Orange and Purple Make when Mixed

What Color Does Orange and Purple Make When Mixed?

Have you ever wondered what happens when orange and purple intertwine? What color emerges from their union, and what emotions does it evoke?

Mixing orange and purple presents us with a captivating alchemy. It’s a collision of contrasting forces that forms a unique visual symphony. 

The blend of orange and purple sparks our imagination and takes us into amazing artistic territories.

In this blog post, I will explore the secrets hidden within the union of orange and purple. 

Get ready to unveil the captivating result of this color, as we delve into the fascinating world where hues harmonize and create magic.

What Color Does Orange and Purple Make when Mixed

Orange and purple are mixed to form a rich and earthy shade of brown.  Depending on the tones you use, the combination may yield not only shades of brown but also variations of orange, purple, and even hints of pink. 

Understanding Color Orange and Purple


Orange is a captivating color that exudes energy, enthusiasm, and creativity. If you want to know how to make orange color with paint, blend red and yellow. This will harness the passion and strength of red and the brightness and optimism of yellow. 

Description and characteristics of orange

Orange occupies a prominent position in the RGB color model. It sits between red and yellow, radiating warmth and exuberance. 

The color orange draws inspiration from the brilliant hues of ripe, sun-kissed citrus fruit. It evokes feelings of enthusiasm, creativity, and joy. 

Its vibrant nature makes it impossible to ignore, commanding attention wherever it appears.

Orange is associated with many symbolic meanings. I link it with feelings of vitality, passion, and excitement. 

This lively hue can evoke a sense of adventure and enthusiasm, igniting a spark of creativity and stimulating the mind. It’s a color that thrives on social interaction and can inspire extroversion.

Components of orange

The color orange is a result of the combination of red and yellow. It derives its warm and invigorating properties from these primary colors. 

The intensity and shade of orange can vary depending on the specific proportions of red and yellow you use.

Red, as a primary component of orange, infuses the hue with energy and strength. It adds depth and passion to the character of orange, intensifying its impact. 

The presence of red in orange contributes to its ability to evoke strong emotions and create a sense of urgency.

Yellow, the other primary component of orange, brings forth feelings of happiness, optimism, and warmth. It adds a touch of brightness and radiance to the color, making it appear lively and cheerful. 

The combination of yellow with red in orange creates a captivating synergy, combining the vitality of red with the optimism of yellow.

Understanding color orange

You can also read this article to learn what colors black and orange make.


Description and characteristics

Purple lies between the realms of blue and red on the color spectrum. It symbolizes royalty, luxury, and spirituality. 

With its rich and deep tones, purple carries elegance and mystery. This makes it a color that commands attention and exudes a sense of sophistication.

Purple encompasses a wide range of shades, from soft lavender and lilac to deep eggplant and royal violet. Each shade of purple carries its own unique personality and symbolism. 

Lighter shades evoke feelings of tranquility, delicacy, and femininity. Darker shades convey a sense of power, depth, and introspection.

Purple holds a special place in history and culture, often associated with nobility and regality. In ancient times, purple dyes were rare and expensive, making them accessible only to the elite. 

This association with power and luxury has persisted over time. Explaining why it is loved by the wealthy and powerful. 

Components of the color purple 

Purple is made through a combination of blue and red, two primary colors. The specific proportions of blue and red determine the shade and intensity of purple.

Blue, as a primary component, adds a cool and calming influence to purple. It brings a sense of serenity and tranquility, balancing the warmth of red within the color. 

The presence of blue in purple evokes a sense of depth and stability. Red, the other primary component, injects passion, energy, and intensity into purple. 

It adds warmth and vibrancy, making purple appear more dynamic and alluring. The infusion of red within purple adds a touch of drama and evokes strong emotions, amplifying its impact.

The combination of blue and red in purple creates a harmonious blend of opposing forces. It balances the coolness of blue with the warmth of red, resulting in a purple color. 

Understanding color purple

Color Mixing Basics

Understanding the fundamentals of color mixing is key to unlocking a world of creative possibilities. By blending different colors together, we can create new hues, shades, and tones. 

Here are some essential principles in color mixing:

Primary colors and their role in mixing

Primary colors play a vital role in color mixing as you cannot get them by blending other colors. 

Instead, they are the fundamental colors from which we derive all other colors. The primary colors are:

Red: This is a powerful and intense color that symbolizes energy, passion, and warmth. Red is a color full of emotions and is used to create vibrant and eye-catching compositions.

Blue: Blue is a cool and calming color that represents serenity, tranquility, and depth. It’s associated with the sky and the ocean, evoking feelings of stability and peacefulness.

Yellow: Yellow is a bright and cheerful color that symbolizes happiness, positivity, and optimism. Yellow adds a sense of warmth and vibrancy to artworks and designs.

Secondary colors and their role in mixing

Secondary colors play a crucial role in color mixing as they are created by mixing two primary colors. These secondary colors expand our color palette and offer a wider range of options for artistic expression. 

The secondary colors are:

Orange: It is formed by mixing red and yellow. It combines red’s energy and warmth with yellow’s brightness and optimism. Orange can evoke feelings of enthusiasm, creativity, and friendliness.

Green: To make green, mix yellow and blue. It represents nature, growth, and harmony. Green can have a calming and refreshing effect, symbolizing balance and renewal.

Purple: Purple is the result of mixing blue and red. It carries a sense of mystery, royalty, and elegance. Purple can evoke emotions such as creativity, spirituality, and introspection.

Additive and subtractive color mixing 

Color mixing is categorized into two methods: additive color mixing and subtractive color mixing. These methods are based on color models and have distinct applications in various domains.

Additive color mixing is used in digital displays, such as computer screens and televisions, stage lighting and visual effects. 

It involves the combination of light sources to create different colors. The primary colors in additive color mixing are red, green, and blue (RGB). 

By varying the intensity and combination of these colors, you achieve a broad spectrum of hues. When all three primary colors are combined, they create white light. 

Additive color mixing follows the principle that the more colors are added, the brighter the resulting color becomes.

Subtractive color mixing is used in traditional art mediums like painting, printing, and mixing pigments. It involves the mixing of pigments or dyes to produce different colors. 

In subtractive color mixing, the primary colors are cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY). When these colors are mixed in varying proportions, they absorb or subtract certain light wavelengths, resulting in the perception of different colors. 

The combination of cyan, magenta, and yellow in equal proportions produces a neutral gray or black color. Subtractive color mixing follows the principle that the more colors are mixed, the darker the color becomes.

How colors interact and combine

Colors interact and combine through various mechanisms, resulting in a range of visual effects. Here are some key ways in which colors interact and combine:

Additive color mixing. In additive color mixing, different colored lights combine to form new colors. When these colors are combined at full intensity, they create white light. 

Subtractive color mixing. This involves the combination of pigments or dyes. The primary colors in this model are cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY). The combination of all three primary colors produces black.

Color harmonies. Colors can interact when arranged in specific combinations. Complementary colors, located opposite each other on the color wheel, create a vibrant contrast when paired. Analogous colors on the color wheel generate a harmonious and cohesive color scheme.

Color contrast. Colors can create contrast based on differences in hue, value, and saturation. High-contrast combinations draw attention and create visual impact. Low-contrast combinations, such as closely related shades, provide subtlety and cohesion.

Optical mixing. Colors can blend together when viewed from a distance or when small color elements are placed close to each other. Optical mixing occurs when the eye perceives a mixture of colors even though they are not physically blended. For instance, tiny dots of red and blue can give the illusion of purple when viewed from afar.

What Color Does Color Orange and Purple Make When Mixed?

Orange and purple make a rich and earthy brown hue, one of the tertiary colors. The specific tone of brown achieved will depend on the proportions and intensity of the orange and purple used in the mixture. 

Orange contains warm undertones and purple contains cool undertones. When combined, the warmth of orange and the coolness of purple blend to produce a balanced and muted brown color. 

This color mixture can add depth, warmth, and a touch of sophistication to various artistic and design endeavors.

What Color Does Color Orange and Purple Make When Mixed?

How to Mix Color Orange and Purple

Combining orange and purple is an exciting process that allows you to explore the world of color blending and create unique shades. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to mix orange and purple:

Step 1: Start with the primary colors. Before mixing orange and purple, have the primary colors on hand. 

Step 2: Prepare your palette. Set up a clean palette or mixing surface to ensure accurate color blending. Having separate areas for orange and purple will help you control the proportions and create the desired shade.

Step 3: Begin with orange. Start by squeezing a small amount of red and yellow paint onto your palette. Using a palette knife or brush, mix the two colors together. Start with equal parts of red and yellow, and adjust the ratio as needed to achieve the desired intensity of orange. 

Step 4: Introduce purple. Clean your palette knife or brush once you’re satisfied with your orange hue. Now, squeeze a small amount of blue and red paint onto the palette in separate areas. Begin by adding a touch of red to the blue, and mix them together. Adjust the ratio of red and blue to create the desired shade of purple. 

Step 5: Blend orange and purple. With your orange and purple shades ready, it’s time to mix them together. Use a fresh area on the palette or a clean brush to combine the two colors. Start by adding small amounts of purple to the orange and gradually mix them together. 

Step 6: Test and refine. Once you have your initial mixture, test it on a separate surface to see how the color appears in different lighting conditions.

Mixing Color Orange and Purple

Additive Color Mixing

When it comes to additive color mixing, I am referring to the mixing of colors using light. In this context, orange and purple are both additive colors. 

When you mix these colors, the resulting color will depend on the proportions of each color. The result is a color that is closer to white. 

This is because the additive color model works by adding different wavelengths of light together. Orange light has a longer wavelength than purple light.

When they combine, the wavelengths overlap and create a broader spectrum of light, which appears closer to white.

Subtractive Color Mixing

Subtractive color mixing involves mixing colors by using pigments or dyes. In this context, orange and purple are subtractive colors. 

Orange is a combination of yellow and magenta, while purple combines blue and magenta. When you mix orange and purple pigments or dyes subtractively, the resulting color will be a shade of brown. 

This occurs because subtractive color mixing works by absorbing certain wavelengths of light and reflecting others. Orange absorbs blue light, while purple absorbs yellow and green light. 

When you mix these colors, they absorb a broad range of wavelengths, resulting in a darker and less vibrant color.

Variations of Visual Representations of Color Orange and Color Purple

Color Orange

ShadesHEX codesRGB color codes
Dark orange#FF8C00255, 140, 0
Orange#FFA500255, 165, 0
Light orange#FFD700255, 215, 0
Burnt orange#CC5500204, 85, 0
Pumpkin#FF7518255, 117, 24
Coral#FF7F50255, 127, 80
Apricot#FFBEBD255, 190, 189
Tangerine#FFA07A255, 160, 122
Peach#FFDAB9255, 218, 185
Salmon#FA8072250, 128, 114

Color Purple

ShadesHEX codesRGB color codes
Dak purple#800080128, 0, 128
Purple#8A2BE2138, 43, 226
Medium purple#9370DB147, 112, 219
Lavender#E6E6FA230, 230, 250
Lilac#C8A2C8200, 162, 200
Violet#EE82EE238, 130, 238
Plum#DDA0DD221, 160, 221
Mauve#E0B0FF224, 176, 255
Amethyst#9966CC153, 102, 204
Orchid#DA70D6218, 112, 214

Factors Affecting the Resulting Color when Mixing Orange and Purple

Several factors can influence the resulting color when mixing purple and orange. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Proportions. The ratio of purple to orange will impact the final color. Adding more purple will shift the mixture towards a cooler and darker shade. Increasing the amount of orange will create a warmer and lighter result. 

2. Intensity. The intensity or saturation of the orange and purple colors used will affect the resulting mixture. Vibrant colors will yield a more intense and vibrant brown. Less saturated colors will produce a more muted or subdued brown.

3. Undertones. The specific undertones present in the orange and purple colors will influence the resulting mixture. Orange can have warm undertones, while purple can have cool undertones. 

4. Color temperature. Considering the temperature of the orange and purple colors is important. Warm orange hues can lean the resulting brown towards a warmer and reddish brown shade, while cooler purple tones can impart a cooler color.

5. Pigment properties. Different pigments have varying characteristics and interactions when mixed. The specific pigments used in orange and purple paints or dyes can influence the outcome. 

6. Lighting conditions. The lighting under which the mixed color is observed can also impact its appearance. Lighting affects how the human eye perceives colors. 

Applications and Symbolism

Best uses for orange and purple mixes

Orange and purple mixes offer a versatile range of colors that you can apply in various contexts. Here are some best uses for orange and purple mixes:

1. Art and design. Orange and purple mixed together make beautiful paintings, illustrations, and graphic designs. You can also use them as vibrant background colors, for creating gradients or shading. 

2. Fashion and textiles. Fabric designs, clothing, and accessories look bold when made with orange, purple mixes. It can be used in color-blocking, or as contrasting accents to create striking and unique fashion statements.

3. Home decor. Orange and purple mixes can be employed in interior design to create eye-catching color schemes. These mixes are used for feature walls, furniture upholstery, throw pillows, or decorative accents to add warmth and richness to living spaces.

4. Branding and marketing. In branding and marketing, orange and purple mixes create memorable and impactful visuals. The color combinations evoke a sense of creativity, energy, and uniqueness. 

5. Seasonal themes. Orange and purple mixes are often associated with autumn and Halloween themes. The warm, earthy tones of brown derived from these mixes can represent the changing foliage and the festive atmosphere of the season.

6. Floral arrangements. Orange and purple mixes add depth and contrast to the floral arrangement. They are used to create visually striking bouquets or arrangements that combine warm and cool tones, making them suitable for special occasions or as unique centerpieces.

Symbolic meanings associated with the color orange and the color purple

Color orange

The color orange has various symbolic meanings across different cultures and psychological interpretations. Some common symbolic meanings associated with the color orange include:

Energy and vitality- Orange symbolizes enthusiasm, excitement, and a zest for life.

Creativity and expression- Orange is a creative and expressive color. It represents innovation, originality, and the ability to think outside the box.

Joy and happiness- The color orange has feelings of joy, happiness, and positivity. It can evoke a sense of warmth and cheerfulness.

Social interaction- It is also a sociable color that represents extroversion and the ability to connect with others. 

Courage and confidence- Orange is a color of courage and confidence. It can symbolize taking risks, embracing challenges, and stepping out of one’s comfort zone.

Color purple 

Purple carries diverse symbolic meanings based on cultural and psychological interpretations. Some of these symbolic meanings include:

Royalty and power- Historically, purple dyes were expensive to produce, making them accessible only to the elite. This association with nobility and regality has persisted over time.

Spirituality and mysticism- Purple is linked to spirituality, mysticism, and introspection. It can symbolize wisdom, intuition, and a connection to the spiritual realm.

Creativity and imagination- Purple is a color of creativity and imagination. It is often associated with artistic endeavors, unconventional thinking, and individuality.

Ambition and ambiguity- Purple represents ambition, independence, and a desire for uniqueness.

Transformation and healing- Purple is associated with transformation, growth, and healing. It can symbolize the ability to overcome challenges and emerge stronger.

Symbolic meanings associated with the color orange and the color purple

What Color Goes with Purple and Orange?

When pairing purple and orange, consider colors that complement and enhance their vibrancy and contrast. Here are some color options that go well with purple and orange:

  • Yellow- It adds a bright and cheerful element to the color scheme, creating a vibrant and energetic combination.
  • Green- The combination of purple, orange, and green can evoke a sense of nature and create a lively and balanced color palette.
  • Blue- The coolness of blue provides a pleasing balance to the warm tones of purple and orange.
  • Pink-The combination of purple, orange, and pink can create a playful and whimsical color palette.
  • Teal- Orange, teal and purple mixed form a captivating color combination. Teal adds a calming element to the vibrant contrast of purple and orange.
  • Neutral tones- Colors like gray, beige, or taupe can serve as a grounding element when paired with purple and orange. 
  • Metallic accents- Incorporating metals like gold or bronze can add a touch of glamor and elegance to the purple and orange color scheme. 

What Color Do Purple and Orange Make in Lights?

When purple and orange lights are mixed, they create a color that is closer to white. In the context of additive color mixing, purple and orange are both colors that are created by mixing different wavelengths of light. 

Purple light is a combination of blue and red light, while orange light is a combination of red and yellow light.

When you combine purple and orange lights additively, the wavelengths of light overlap, resulting in a broader spectrum of light being emitted. 

This combination of wavelengths appears as pale or pastel colors mixed that are closer to white or a very light shade of gray.

The exact resulting color will depend on the specific shades and intensities of purple and orange being mixed. 

Creating Russet Tints

Creating russet tints involves mixing colors to achieve warm, reddish-brown hues. Here’s a step-by-step guide to creating lighter and darker colors. 

Step 1: Begin with a warm brown or burnt sienna as your base color. This will provide a foundation for the russet tones you’ll be creating. 

Step 2: Add warmth and depth to your russet tint by introducing red into the mix. Start with a small amount of red paint or pigment and incorporate it into the base color. 

Step 3: To further enhance the warmth of the russet tint, incorporate a touch of yellow. Yellow adds a golden undertone to the mixture, giving it a sun-kissed appearance. 

Step 4: Depending on the desired intensity of the russet tint, you can adjust the saturation and value. To increase saturation, add more red tint and yellow to intensify the hue. To darken the tint, introduce a small amount of black or a darker brown shade. 

Step 5: Test the russet tint on a separate surface to assess how it appears in different lighting conditions. 

Is there a Quicker Way to Create a Russet?

If you’re looking for a quicker way to create a russet color, you can try using premixed paint or a combination of ready-made colors. Here’s a quick method:

  1. Start with a base color
  2. Assess the hue
  3. Add a red-orange tint and yellow
  4. Test and refine


What is the name of the orange and purple combination?

The name of the orange and purple combination is known as the color russet. Russet is a unique shade of brown known for its reddish or orangish undertones.

Do orange and purple go together?

Yes, orange and purple can go together. They are complementary colors, meaning they are opposite each other on the color wheel. This contrast creates a vibrant and eye-catching combination. The warm, energetic tones of cadmium orange can be balanced by the cool, calming hues of purple, resulting in a dynamic and balanced composition. 

What color do purple and red make?

Purple and red make the color burgundy or maroon. The resulting color will depend on the specific shades and proportions of purple and red used in the mixture. Purple, being a combination of blue and red, already contains red undertones. 

What color do blue and orange make?

Blue and orange create a shade of brown. The specific tone of brown will depend on the shades and proportions of blue and orange used in the mixture. 

Do orange and white go together?

Yes, orange and white can complement each other beautifully. Combining these colors can create a fresh look or a soft and delicate aesthetic; orange + white = what color? Depending on the specific shades and context. It’s all about finding balance and harmony in your design or outfit.


The blending of orange and purple is like a delightful dance of colors and a harmonious fusion. Just as life is full of unexpected combinations and connections, these two hues come together to create something captivating. 

The resulting russet hue evokes images of autumn landscapes and cozy fireside evenings.

It reminds us that even in the most unlikely pairings, magic happens when we embrace diversity. 

So, the next time you ponder about mixing orange and purple, remember that it’s not just about the science of pigments. It’s a reminder that beauty can emerge from the unlikeliest of unions. 

Embrace the colorful surprises that life presents, and let your imagination paint a canvas full of endless possibilities.


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