What Color Does Pink And Teal Make When Mixed?

What Color Does Pink And Teal Make When Mixed?

Diving into the world of colors, have you ever wondered about the magic that happens when two distinct hues blend? 

Today I will uncover the answer to the intriguing question, “What color does pink and teal make when mixed?”

The soft romance of pink mingles with the calming allure of teal, but what happens when they meet?

Does this duo create a spectacular new hue, or does it clash?

Buckle up; we’re about to embark on a journey to discover the hidden secrets of mixing pink and teal.

Spoiler alert: the resulting colors may surprise you.

Let’s dive in!

What Is Pink Color?

Pink color

    Hex code: #FFC0CB

    RGB code: (255, 192, 203)

    CMYK code: (0, 25, 20, 0)

Pink hue often draws a connection with sweetness, gentleness, and femininity. But what colors mix to make pink?

Pink is a warm color, and it finds its place somewhere between the intense passion of red and the purity of white color.

The pink color is not just one-dimensional. It spans different shades, each with unique character and emotion.

Pink exhibits an impressive range of shades, from the tender blush of a rose petal to the dazzling fuchsia of a tropical sunset.

Noteworthy ones include baby pink, which often symbolizes innocence, and bold, exciting hot pink, an iconic pop culture symbol.

Symbolically, pink carries a lot of weight in our cultural fabric. It’s often associated with notions of love, compassion, and nurturing.

But, it also represents strength and hope in symbols like the pink ribbon used in breast cancer awareness.

All in all, pink is a multifaceted color with a rich tapestry of connotations.

What Is Teal Color?

Teal color

    Hex code: #008080

    RGB code: (0, 128, 128)

    CMYK code: (100, 0, 0, 50)

Teal is a vibrant color sitting halfway between blue and green on the spectrum. The dark greenish-blue hue exudes a sense of tranquillity and sophistication.

The name “teal” traces its origin back to a small freshwater member of the duck family known as the Teal.

The male of the teal species sports a distinctive dark-greenish patch around its eyes, which lends color to its name.

Teal varies in shades, from the darker, deep-sea-inspired “deep teal” to the lighter version, sky-referencing “aqua teal.”

Each shade provides a different feel and ambiance, expanding the versatility of teal.

Culturally, teal carries significant symbolism. In some cultures, it’s associated with rejuvenation and open communication.

It’s often used in branding and logos due to its professionalism and sense of reliability.

It’s also linked to the fight against ovarian cancer and sexual assault, symbolizing awareness and prevention.

In essence, teal colors of paint are color-rich in depth, beauty, and significance.

Color Mixing Basics

The color wheel

The color wheel, a circular diagram, represents colors based on their chromatic relationship.

It begins with three primary colors – red, yellow, and blue – the building blocks of all other hues.

Secondary colors – green, orange, and purple – emerge by mixing two primary colors.

Tertiary colors fill the gaps between the primary and secondary colors. It results from blending a primary color with its adjacent secondary color.

Where do pink and teal stand in the color spectrum? Pink, a softer shade of red, corresponds with red on the color wheel.

Teal, marrying blue and green, nests between these two.

The concept of complementary and analogous colors is crucial in color theory. Complementary colors sit opposite the wheel. They create sharp contrasts, like teal and coral pink. (Dig deeper to know what colors make coral pink, just in case you are interested).

Analogous colors sit next to each other. They give harmonious combinations due to their tonal similarity.

Understanding the color wheel and complementary and analogous colors is vital for effective color mixing.

This knowledge helps create a harmonious interplay of colors, evoking the desired mood and response.

It’s not just about individual colors but their interaction and contrast.

The additive and subtractive color models

In the world of colors, we navigate using two main models – additive and subtractive. They’re like two sides of a coin, each essential and applied differently.

The additive color model, also known as RGB (Red, Green, Blue), is all about light.

Ever wondered how your digital screens burst with such vibrant colors? That’s RGB at play.

You get white when you mix blue, red, and green light at full intensity. Lower the intensity, and you’ll see a range of colors emerging.

Digital displays, like your TV, computer, or smartphone, use this principle to create their color spectrum.

Let’s flip to the subtractive color model or CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key/Black). This model’s in the spotlight when it comes to printing.

Unlike the additive model, which starts with black and adds light, the subtractive model starts with white (paper).

As you add layers of cyan, magenta, and yellow ink, they absorb (or subtract) light, creating the desired color.

The ‘K’ in CMYK stands for ‘Key,’ usually, black ink, which adds depth and detail.

Remember, whether you’re awestruck by an image on your screen or holding a printed photo, a world of color science makes it possible.

RGB lights up your screens, while CMYK brings life to print.

What Color Does Pink And Teal Make When Mixed?

When pink and teal intertwine, the result is a mesmerizing transformation. The specific outcome may vary based on the shades and proportions used.

But, the consensus is that pink and teal produce a unique and intriguing color.

When pink and teal are mixed, the resulting hue tends to gravitate towards shades of gray or brown.

The shades of grey and brown derive from the combination of teal, which comprises blue, green, and pink.

When opposite colors converge, they often produce neutral tones like grays and browns.

Note artistry thrives on experimentation and individuality. By adjusting the tones, intensities, and quantities of pink and teal, you can explore various captivating colors beyond traditional expectations.

How to Mix Pink and Teal Colors 

Here are the subsequent steps of varying levels in pink and teal color play:

  1. Start with the Basics: Gather your pink and teal paints or digital color swatches. Have a clear understanding of the specific shades you’re working with. 
  2. Gradual Mixing: Add a small teal to your pink. Blend the colors thoroughly on your palette. Observe the transformation and note the color changes. Take your time and adjust the proportions to achieve your desired shade.
  3. Play Ratios: Experiment with different ratios of pink to teal to explore a range of hues. Adding more pink will result in warmer tones. Increasing teal will introduce cooler undertones. Adjust until you discover the perfect balance that resonates with your artistic vision.
  4. Take Note of Transparency: Consider the transparency levels of your pigments or digital colors. Transparency can affect the final result, so be mindful of how it may influence the blending process. Experiment with layers and see how the two colors interact and overlap.
  5. Test and Refine: As you mix, it’s helpful to test your color on a small surface or canvas periodically. This way, you can test the results and make any necessary adjustments. 
  6. Embrace Creativity: Don’t be afraid to push the boundaries and think outside the box. Introduce other colors, such as white or gray, to create tints or tones that add depth and complexity to your pink and teal blend.
what color does pink and teal make when mixed

Factors Influencing the Color Result

Opacity and transparency

The opacity and transparency of colors influence the resulting color when mixing pink and teal. Higher opacity levels make colors more solid and opaque.

Greater transparency allows for a see-through effect. Differentiating opacity levels can lead to intriguing outcomes when combining pink and teal.

The pink will dominate if you mix an opaque pink with a transparent teal. It creates a softer blend with subtle teal undertones.

Blending a transparent pink with an opaque teal can produce a vibrant teal with hints of pink shining through. 

Color proportions and Intensity

The ratio of pink to teal in a color mixture affects the outcome. Altering the proportions can lead to different visual effects and color appearance.

Adjusting the ratio allows you to create varying intensities of the resulting color.

Increasing the amount of pink in the mixture will result in a warmer, more pink-dominated blend.

A higher proportion of teal will introduce cooler undertones and a more teal-centric hue. The intensity of each color also plays a role.

Vibrant and saturated shades will impact the final blend more than pastel colors.

Color temperature and undertones

Color temperature and undertones influence the mixed result when combining pink and teal. Understanding warm and cool colors is crucial here.

Pink, a tint of red, falls on the warmer side of the spectrum. Teal, a blend of blue and green, leans towards the cooler end.

Combining a warm pink with cool teal results in a blend exhibiting balanced undertones. 

Blending a cool pink with a warm teal creates a harmonious yet contrasting mix. Be mindful of color temperature and undertones.

How Can I Adjust the Saturation or Brightness of the Resulting Color When Mixing Pink and Teal?

When mixing pink and teal, you can adjust the saturation or brightness of the resulting color. Employing the following techniques:

Saturation: Adding a small amount of gray will desaturate the color, making it less vibrant and intense. Reducing the gray content will enhance the saturation. The result is a more vivid and saturated color.

Brightness: Adding white will increase the brightness and create a lighter shade. Adding black will darken the color, decreasing its brightness.

Proportions: Increasing the amount of one color over the other can influence the appearance of the blend. Experiment with different ratios to achieve the desired effect.

Software tools: Use graphic design software or photo editing applications with color change features. These tools allow you to control the saturation and brightness settings.

Achieving Pink-Teal Shades

When it comes to achieving gorgeous pink-teal shades, the possibilities are abundant. Here are some mesmerizing color blends:


Hex code: #E6E6FA

RGB code: (230, 230, 250)

CMYK code: (8, 8, 0, 2)

A delicate and soothing shade that emerges when you mix pink and teal in balanced proportions. Lavender evokes a sense of tranquility and elegance. It is a popular choice for various design applications.


Hex code: #E0B0FF

RGB code: (224, 176, 255)

CMYK code: (12, 31, 0, 0)

Mauve is a soft and sophisticated hue that falls between lilac and lavender. (Read more on lavender vs lilac).

It emerges when pink and teal blend with a slightly higher proportion of pink. Mauve has a subtle hint of warmth, creating a romantic and refined color option.

If you may be interested in this color, learn how to make mauve color.


Hex code: #A9A9A9

RGB code: (169, 169, 169)

CMYK code: (0, 0, 0, 34)

A subdued and sophisticated blend of pink and teal with a touch of gray. The pastel color hue exudes an air of subtlety and pairs well with both neutral and vibrant colors.

Slate Gray

Hex code: #708090

RGB code: (112, 128, 144)

CMYK code: (22, 11, 0, 44)

A cool and contemporary shade that results from mixing pink and teal. Use a higher proportion of teal. Slate gray combines the calmness of teal with the softness of pink.

Smoky Pink

Hex code: #C8A2C8

RGB code: (200, 162, 200)

CMYK code: (0, 19, 0, 22)

A dusky and enchanting shade emerges when combining pink and teal with a higher proportion of gray or muted teal. Smoky pink carries a sense of mystery and adds a touch of sophistication to any design.

Dusty Teal

Hex code: #5F9EA0

RGB code: (95, 158, 160)

CMYK code: (40, 1, 0, 37)

The muted teal shade with a touch of pink creates a vintage and nostalgic feel. Dusty teal combines the depth of teal with the softness of pink, resulting in a unique and captivating color option.

Table: Shades Resulting from Pink and Teal Mixed

Shade NameHex # codeRGB codeCMYK codeColor
Lavender#E6E6FA(230, 230, 250)(8, 8, 0, 2)color
Mauve#E0B0FF(224, 176, 255)(12, 31, 0, 0)color
Grayish-Purple#A9A9A9(169, 169, 169)(0, 0, 0, 34)color
Slate Gray#708090(112, 128, 144)(22, 11, 0, 44)color
Smoky Pink#C8A2C8(200, 162, 200)(0, 19, 0, 22)color
Dusty Teal#5F9EA0(95, 158, 160)(40, 1, 0, 37)color

Practical Applications and Design Tips

Designing with pink and teal

Incorporating pink and teal into visual compositions can add a vibrant and captivating touch. Here are some design tips for using these colors :

Balance: Maintain a harmonious balance between pink and teal.  Consider their proportions and placement in your design.

Contrast: Create visual interest by pairing pink and teal with complementary colors. They will stand out.

Accent Colors: Use pink and teal as accent colors to bring attention to specific elements or create focal points.

Patterns and Textures: Experiment with patterns and textures, combining pink and teal to add depth and dimension to your design.

Examples: Look to successful designs using pink and teal for inspiration. These can include modern interiors, fashion ensembles, or artistic illustrations.

Creating emotional Impact

Combining pink and teal can evoke specific emotions and create a unique emotional impact. Consider these aspects:

Pink: Symbolises love, compassion, and tenderness. Pink elicit feelings of warmth, comfort, and femininity.

Teal: Representing calmness, balance, and sophistication. Teal invokes a sense of serenity, stability, and modernity.

Color Psychology: Leverage the psychological effects of pink and teal to create an emotional connection. Pink and teal influence the mood of your design.

Context and Intent: Tailor the use of pink and teal based on the desired emotional response, Whether creating a soothing atmosphere or evoking excitement and energy.

Utilizing color psychology to evoke specific emotions

Utilizing color psychology is a powerful tool to evoke specific emotions. Here are some key insights into the emotional impact of pink and teal colors;

Pink: Pink is often associated with love, tenderness, and nurturing. It can create a sense of warmth, compassion, and playfulness.

Pink is used to evoke feelings of romance, sweetness, and femininity. It can also convey a sense of innocence and gentleness.

Teal: Teal is known for its calming and soothing qualities. It promotes a sense of tranquillity, balance, and stability.

Teal is often associated with feelings of relaxation, clarity, and renewal. It can create a sense of harmony and serenity. It is a popular choice for creating a peaceful atmosphere.

Color Mixing: Exploring Other Combinations

What color does pink and green make?

Pink+green=what color

Green mixed with pink creates a soft, pastel pink color of peach or coral. The resulting color is a delicate blend of the warmth and vibrancy of pink.

It has the freshness and earthiness of green, offering a harmonious and nature-inspired hue.

What does red and teal make?

Red and teal mixed create a vibrant shade of brown. The combination of the boldness and intensity of red with the coolness and depth of teal results in a warm, earthy tone. 

The shade of brown may vary depending on the exact shade of red and teal used in the mixture.

What color cancels out teal?

To cancel out the teal, use its complementary color on the color wheel. The complementary color of teal is a shade of red-orange.

When these two very different colors are mixed, they create a visual contrast and cancel each other out, neutralizing the teal hue.

What color do you get when you mix pink and grey?

The resulting color is a soft and muted mauve or dusty rose mixed with pink and gray.

The coolness and neutrality of gray combine with the warmth and delicacy of pink to create a subtle and sophisticated hue.

The specific shade of mauve or dusty rose may vary depending on the proportions and exact shades of pink and gray used in the mixture.

What color does blue and pink make?

Mixing pink and blue make a shade of purple. The resulting color varies based on the specific shades and proportions used.

Mixing blue with pink results in a blended hue that leans towards purple.

Depending on the specific colors, the resulting shade can range from light lavender to a deeper violet.

What color does pink and purple make?

When pink and purple are mixed, they create a vibrant shade of magenta or fuchsia.

The combination of the warmth and brightness of pink with the depth and richness of purple results in an eye-catching color.

The specific shade of magenta or fuchsia may vary depending on the proportions and exact shades of pink and purple used in the mixture.

pink and purple color

Do blush pink and teal go together?

Yes, blush pink and teal can go together in a color scheme. Blush pink, soft and delicate appearance, pairs with teal’s cool and calming tones.

The contrast between the warm and cool hues creates a pleasing combination that is elegant and modern.

Blush pink adds a touch of softness and femininity, while teal brings a sense of depth and sophistication. Blush pink and teal can create a stylish, appealing, versatile color palette.

What color does teal and yellow make when mixed?

When teal and yellow are mixed, the resulting color is a paler shade of green.

Teal, a blend of blue and green, combines with yellow to create a lighter, more muted green hue.

The shade of green varies depending on the exact shades and proportions of teal and yellow used.


What color do you get when you mix turquoise and pink?

When mixed with turquoise and pink, the resulting color may vary depending on the exact shades and proportions used. However, if you mix them in equal parts, you will get a shade that leans towards a muted purple or violet with a hint of gray. The intensity of the turquoise and pink mix influences the specific outcome. 

What color would hot pink and teal make?

Hot pink and teal result in color is a shade of purple. The shade of purple may vary depending on the particular hue and proportions of hot pink and teal used in the mixture. Hot pink’s vibrant and intense nature combines teal’s cool and calming tones to create a rich and dynamic purple hue.

Does pink and teal go together?

Yes, pink and teal go together. With its cool and calming nature, Teal complements the warmth and vibrancy of pink. Combining these two colors creates an appealing, eye-catching, and balanced contrast; whether bold or subtle, pink and teal can create a harmonious and stylish color palette.

What color do you get when you mix pink and aqua?

When pink and aqua are mixed, they create light purple, or lavender hue is the resulting color. The warm tones of pink blend with the cool tones of aqua to create a soft and delicate shade. The light purple or lavender shade may vary depending on the exact shades and proportions of pink and aqua used in the mixture.

Are there any cultural or historical references related to pink and teal combinations?

In many cultures, pink is traditionally associated with femininity, love, and tenderness. It is often used to represent romance, sweetness, and youthfulness. Teal is associated with qualities such as tranquillity, calmness, and stability. It is often linked to the natural world, particularly water, and the ocean. Their combination evokes various emotions depending on the context and cultural interpretation. Cultural and historical references vary across different regions and periods.

Teal or cyan, which one mixes best with pink?

Both teal and cyan complement pink beautifully due to their blue-green undertones. The choice depends on the desired effect: teal offers a more saturated and vibrant look, while cyan brings a softer contrast. Experimenting with both will help determine which combination best suits the specific color scheme.


The combination of pink and teal offers a delightful range of color mixing and design possibilities.

These colors have a contrasting yet harmonious nature that creates a balanced palette. 

Blending or using them separately, pink and teal, can evoke various emotions and moods.

They have a versatile appeal, from sweetness and femininity to tranquillity and calmness. Understanding the color wheel is key to unlocking their full potential.

Embrace the versatility of pink and teal as you incorporate them into your designs and visual compositions.


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