What Color Does Teal and Red Make When Mixed

What Color Does Teal and Red Make When Mixed

Teal and red are captivating colors known for their distinctiveness and visual appeal. When these two colors are mixed, they create an intriguing result that sparks curiosity.

Understanding color mixing can shed light on the outcome of combining teal and red. In this article, we will explore the characteristics of teal and red, delve into color theory, and discuss the basics of color mixing.

We will answer the question of what color teal and red make when mixed. Also, provide insights on how to achieve the desired mix and present examples and variations.

Let’s dive into the fascinating world of color and uncover the secrets of teal and red blending. 

What Color Does Teal and Red Make When Mixed

When teal and red are mixed together, they typically create a muted brown or earthy tone. The resulting color leans towards a desaturated blend, combining the coolness of teal with the warmth of red. The specific shade may vary based on proportions and individual perception.

What is Teal Color – #008080

Teal is a captivating color that falls between green and blue on the color spectrum. It is often described as a medium to dark shade of cyan.

With its blend of lighter blue and green, teal paint exhibits a unique balance and harmony. It is neither too cool nor too warm, striking a perfect equilibrium.

Teal is commonly associated with qualities like calmness, serenity, and sophistication.

Its soothing nature makes it a popular choice in various design fields, including fashion and interior design.

Learn how to make teal color.

Is the color teal a primary color?

Teal is not considered a primary color. In the traditional color model, primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.

Teal, on the other hand, is formed by mixing blue and green, which makes it a secondary color.

Color composition and origin

Teal is composed of equal parts blue and green. Its specific composition can vary slightly, leaning towards either sky blue or green side.

The resulting hue is a rich and vibrant shade that stands out in its uniqueness. The origin of the name “teal” can be traced back to the teal duck, whose eyes showcase a similar hue.

The color gained popularity and recognition due to its association with this particular bird.

Psychological associations and symbolism

Teal is often associated with calmness, stability, and tranquility. It exudes a sense of balance and harmony.

This color is known to have a calming effect on the mind and is often used to create a soothing and peaceful atmosphere. Symbolically, teal represents emotional healing, clarity, and rejuvenation.

It is seen as a color that promotes communication, introspection, and self-expression. Teal is also associated with qualities like trust, reliability, and integrity.

What is Red Color – #ff0000

Red is a vibrant and bold color that is often associated with passion, energy, and intensity. It is one of the primary colors in the traditional color model, along with blue and yellow.

Red is commonly referred to as a warm color due to its association with fire and heat. It has a dominant wavelength on the visible light spectrum, evoking strong emotions and commanding attention.

Red is composed of longer wavelengths of light, which make it highly visible and eye-catching. It can range from deep, rich tones to lighter, more vibrant shades.

The color red has been used symbolically throughout history, representing concepts such as love, power, courage, and vitality.

What two colors make red? Read our article to learn more.

Color composition and origin

Red is created by the stimulation of the long-wavelength cone cells in our eyes. It is associated with the reflection or absorption of light in the range of approximately 620-750 nanometers.

The intensity and shade of red can vary based on the specific pigments or dyes used. The color red has natural sources, such as certain fruits, flowers, and minerals.

Additionally, synthetic red dyes and pigments have been developed to replicate and enhance the color.

Psychological associations and symbolism

Red is often linked to strong emotions and has psychological effects on individuals. It can evoke feelings of passion, love, and desire.

Red is also associated with power, determination, and courage. It has the ability to increase heart rate and create a sense of urgency.

Symbolically, red is used to convey various meanings across different cultures. It can represent danger, excitement, or warning signs.

In some contexts, red is associated with celebration and joy, as seen in festive occasions and cultural traditions.

Understanding Color Theory

Primary colors and their role in color mixing

Primary colors are the fundamental building blocks of color theory. These colors cannot be created by mixing other colors together.

In the traditional color model, the primary colors are red, blue, and yellow. These colors are considered pure and distinct.

When primary colors are mixed together, they can produce a wide range of secondary and tertiary colors.

Primary colors play a crucial role in color mixing because they form the basis for creating all other colors in the color spectrum.

Secondary colors and how they are formed

Secondary colors are created by mixing two primary colors together. In the traditional color model, the secondary colors are green, orange, and purple.

Green is formed by mixing blue and yellow, while orange is obtained by combining red and yellow. Purple is created by mixing blue and red.

Secondary colors offer a broader range of hues and provide additional possibilities for color combinations.

Overview of the color wheel

The color wheel is a visual representation of the relationships between colors. It organizes colors in a circular format, illustrating how they relate to one another.

The color wheel typically consists of primary, secondary, and tertiary colors. The color wheel helps understand color harmony and complementary relationships.

Complementary colors are positioned opposite each other on the color wheel, such as red and green, blue and orange, or yellow and purple (See our article about what colors does purple and yellow make when mixed?).

When complementary colors are mixed together or placed side by side, they create strong contrasts and vibrant visual effects.

Color Mixing Basics

Additive and subtractive color mixing

Color mixing can be approached through two primary methods. Additive color mixing and subtractive color mixing.

Additive color mixing. Additive color mixing involves combining colored light to create new colors. This method is commonly used in digital displays and lighting systems.

The primary colors for additive mixing are red, green, and blue (RGB). When these primary colors are combined at full intensity, they create white light.

Mixing different combinations of RGB in varying intensities produces a broad spectrum of colors.

Subtractive color mixing. Subtractive color mixing involves the mixing of pigments or dyes to create colors.

This method is commonly used in traditional art, painting, and printing. The primary colors for subtractive mixing are cyan, magenta, and yellow (CMY).

When these primary colors are mixed together, they absorb certain wavelengths of light, resulting in the perception of different colors.

Combining all three subtractive primary colors in equal amounts produces black.

How mixing colors works on a practical level

In practice, color mixing can be achieved by combining different amounts of colors to achieve the desired hue.

For example, mixing red and blue can create purple, while mixing red and yellow can produce orange, also called yellow-orange.

The intensity and proportions of the colors used will determine the resulting hue, either a darker or lighter shade. For light orange, go for more yellow.

Color mixing can be done using various mediums such as paints, inks, dyes, or digital software.

Experimentation and understanding the properties of colors can help in achieving the desired results.

Interaction of colors and light

Understanding how colors interact with one another is essential in color mixing. The interactions can be categorized as:

  • Complementary colors. Complementary colors are positioned opposite each other on the color wheel. When mixed together, they can create neutral tones or muted versions of the colors. For example, combining green and red can result in a desaturated brown or gray.
  • Tints and shades. Tints are created by mixing a color with white, resulting in a lighter version of the original color. Shades, on the other hand, are achieved by mixing a color with black, creating a darker version.
  • Saturation. Saturation refers to the intensity or purity of a color. Mixing a color with its complementary color can reduce the saturation, creating a less vibrant or more muted tone.

What Color Does Teal and Red Make When Mixed

The combination of teal and red can yield various outcomes. Mixing teal and red often results in a desaturated brown or muted earthy tone.

The resulting color depends on the specific shades and proportions used. Teal, a mix of color blue and green, combines with the warm intensity of red.

The blend creates an intriguing mixture of contrasting cool and warm tones. The resulting color is typically a desaturated version of teal and red. It leans towards a brownish hue.

The exact shade of brown can vary based on the teal-to-red ratio. Lighting conditions and the medium used for mixing can also impact the outcome.

The specific shades and intensities of teal and red influence the resulting color. Additionally, individual perception and personal preferences can play a role.

Conduct small-scale experiments to determine the desired mixture ratios. Adjust the proportions to achieve the desired outcome.

Keep in mind that the resulting color can appear closer to a muted brown or gray. Teal and red, being complementary colors, tend to neutralize each other.

The outcome may be a muted or neutral tone. Perception of the resulting color can be subjective. Personal observation and experimentation are key.

How to Mix Teal and Red

Mixing teal and red requires careful consideration of the proportions and the specific shades of the colors involved. Follow these steps to achieve the desired mix:

Step 1: Start with Teal and Red Paints

Select the appropriate shades of teal and red paints for your project. Ensure the paints are of good quality and suitable for mixing. We recommend FolkArt Teal Acrylic Paint and GOTIDEAL Acrylic Paint Scarlet Red for smaller projects.

Step 2: Prepare a Mixing Palette

Use a clean mixing color palette or a white surface to blend the colors.

This allows you to see the colors clearly and make accurate adjustments.

Step 3: Start with Small Amounts

Begin by squeezing a small amount of teal and dark red paint onto the palette.

Starting with smaller quantities makes it easier to adjust and control the color outcome.

Step 4: Gradually Mix the Paint Colors

Using a palette knife or a clean brush, start blending the teal and red paints together.

Mix them thoroughly to ensure an even distribution of colors.

Step 5: Observe the Result

Continuously evaluate the color as you mix. Adjust the ratio of teal and red paints to achieve the desired hue.

If the mixture appears too teal, add more red; if it looks too red, add more teal.

Step 6: Test the Color

Apply a small amount of the mixed color onto a test surface or a scrap piece of paper.

Allow it to dry and observe the final color. This will give you a better idea of the result before applying it to your actual project.

Step 7: Make Adjustments as Needed

If the color is not what you envisioned, make necessary adjustments by adding more teal or red paint.

Take it step by step until you achieve the desired color.

Step 8: Mix Sufficient Quantity

Once you are satisfied with the color, mix enough of it to complete your project. Ensure that you have an adequate amount for consistent application.

Step 9: Keep a Record

It can be helpful to document the ratio of teal to red you used in case you need to recreate the color later on.

Common Shades of Teal and Red When Mixed

1. Muted Brown

Shade Name: Muted Brown

HEX #: #8B5A2B

RGB Code: 139, 90, 43

CMYK Code: 0, 35, 69, 45

Muted Brown is a warm-toned shade that emerges from the combination of teal and red. It has a subdued and earthy appearance.

In the RGB color space, #8B5A2B consists of 54.5% red, 35.3% green, and 16.9% blue. In the CMYK color space, it consists of 0% cyan, 35% magenta, 69% yellow, and 45% black.

Muted Brown offers a versatile and natural color option, suitable for a range of design applications.

2. Rust or Burnt Sienna

Shade Name: Rust or Burnt Sienna

HEX #: #8A3324

RGB Code: 138, 51, 36

CMYK Code: 0, 63, 74, 46

Rust or Burnt Sienna is a warm and rich shade resulting from the mixture of teal and red.

It embodies a reddish-brown hue reminiscent of earthy tones. In the RGB color space, #8A3324 consists of 54.1% red, 20% green, and 14.1% blue.

In the CMYK color space, it consists of 0% cyan, 63% magenta, 74% yellow, and 46% black. Rust or Burnt Sienna adds warmth and depth to designs, often evoking a sense of autumnal or rustic charm.

3. Deep Maroon

Shade Name: Deep Maroon

HEX #: #500000

RGB Code: 80, 0, 0

CMYK Code: 0, 100, 100, 69

Deep Maroon is a rich and intense shade resulting from a blend of teal and red. It exudes a dark, reddish-brown color with a touch of mystery.

In the RGB color space, #500000 consists of 31.4% red, 0% green, and 0% blue. In the CMYK color space, it consists of 0% cyan, 100% magenta, 100% yellow, and 69% black.

Deep Maroon adds depth and sophistication to designs, often associated with elegance and strength.

Understand the difference between burgundy and maroon to avoid confusing the two similar colors.

4. Olive or Moss Green

Shade Name: Olive or Moss Green

HEX #: #556B2F

RGB Code: 85, 107, 47

CMYK Code: 20, 0, 56, 58

Olive or Moss Green is a natural and earthy shade resulting from the mixture of teal and red. It combines green undertones with a muted brownish hue.

In the RGB color space, #556B2F consists of 33.3% red, 42% green, and 18.4% turquoise blue. In the CMYK color space, it consists of 20% cyan, 0% magenta, 56% yellow, and 58% black.

Olive or Moss Green brings a sense of harmony and connection to nature, often associated with tranquility and vitality.

Here is a guide on what does red and magenta make.

5. Neutral Gray

Shade Name: Neutral Gray

HEX #: #808080

RGB Code: 128, 128, 128

CMYK Code: 0, 0, 0, 50

Neutral Gray is a balanced and versatile shade that can result from the combination of teal and light red.

It is a desaturated and muted tone that embodies a neutral and timeless quality. In the RGB color space, #808080 consists of 50.2% red, 50.2% green, and 50.2% blue.

In the CMYK color space, it consists of 0% cyan, 0% magenta, 0% yellow, and 50% black.

Neutral Gray serves as a versatile backdrop, allowing other colors to stand out while maintaining a sense of balance and sophistication.

Table: Shades Resulting from Teal and Red Mixing

Shade NameHEX #RGB CodeCMYK CodeColor
Muted Brown#8B5A2B139, 90, 430, 35, 69, 45Warm earthy brown
Rust or Burnt Sienna#8A3324138, 51, 360, 63, 74, 46Rich reddish-brown
Deep Maroon#50000080, 0, 00, 100, 100, 69Dark reddish-brown
Olive or Moss Green#556B2F85, 107, 4720, 0, 56, 58Earthy green-brown
Neutral Gray#808080128, 128, 1280, 0, 0, 50Balanced gray

What Does Red and Blue Make?

When red and blue paint are mixed together, they create the color purple. The resulting shade of purple can vary depending on the specific shades and proportions of red and blue used in the mixing process.

Mixing equal parts of red and blue typically produces a balanced and vibrant purple hue.

However, adjusting the ratio of red to light blue can result in different shades of purple, ranging from deep and rich to lighter and more pastel tones.

Red and blue are primary colors that, when combined, unlock the beautiful spectrum of purples and violets, adding depth and visual interest to various artistic and design endeavors.

Is Teal the Same as Turquoise?

Turquoise compared to teal, reveals their similarities and distinctions. Turquoise is a mix of blue and green with more blue tones, while teal is a bluish-green shade with a higher concentration of green.

Both evoke images of natural beauty, with turquoise leaning towards tropical waters and teal towards coastal charm.”

What Does Teal and Pink Make?

Teal is a mixture of blue and green, while pink is a lighter shade of red. Teal and pink mixed create a lovely shade of purple.

Combining these colors results in a combination of blue, green, and red, which are the primary pigments that contribute to the formation of purple.

The exact shade of purple will depend on the specific tones and proportions of teal and pink used.

The combination of teal and pink can produce a visually appealing and harmonious hue, adding a touch of vibrancy and elegance to any artistic or design endeavor.


What do you get if you mix turquoise and red?

Mixing turquoise and red can result in various shades of brown or muted earthy tones. The specific outcome will depend on the proportions and specific shades of turquoise and red used in the mixing process.

Does red and teal go together?

Red and teal can create an interesting and complementary color combination. The vibrant and intense nature of red can be balanced by the calming and cool qualities of teal, resulting in a visually striking and harmonious pairing.

What is red and turquoise?

Mixing red and turquoise can yield a range of shades, depending on the specific proportions used. The resulting color will likely have a desaturated or muted tone, combining the warm undertones of red with the coolness of turquoise.

Which color do you get by mixing red and blue color?

Mixing red and blue colors together typically results in various shades of purple. The specific shade of purple will depend on the proportions and specific shades of red and blue used in the mixing process.

What colors make purple or violet?

Purple or violet is commonly created by mixing the primary colors red and blue. When these colors are combined in the right proportions, they can create a wide range of purple shades, from deep and dark purples to lighter lavender tones.

Does blue-green affect teal and red mixing?

Yes, blue-green, a component of teal, can influence the outcome. Teal, a blue-green shade with more green undertones, impacts the resulting color. Proportions of teal and red determine the influence of blue-green on the blend.

What do you get if you mix teal and dark red?

If you mix teal with a dark shade of red, you would likely get a shade of brown or burgundy, depending on the specific hues and ratios of the colors being mixed. The resulting color can vary based on the specific shades of teal and dark red and the medium in which they are mixed.

What do you get if you mix teal and cardinal red?

If you mix teal and cardinal color, you will get a shade of brown or a deep, rich maroon color. The exact result will depend on the specific shades and proportions used in the mixture. Experimenting with small amounts to achieve the desired color is always a good idea.

Also Read: What Color Does Teal and Purple Make When Mixed


When teal and red are mixed together, the resulting color typically leans towards a muted brown or earthy tone.

The specific shade of the mixture can vary depending on the proportions and specific shades of teal and red used.

This combination of contrasting cool and warm colors creates a visually intriguing blend.

The resulting color can be further influenced by factors such as lighting conditions, the medium used for mixing, and individual perception.

Experimentation and observation are key to achieving the desired outcome when mixing teal and red.

Embrace the creative journey of color mixing and enjoy the beautiful range of hues that emerge from this captivating combination.


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