What Color Does Green And Yellow Make When Mixed

What Color Does Green And Yellow Make When Mixed?

Are you ready to unlock the secrets of color mixing? Picture this: you have green and yellow paint sitting on your palette, and a burning curiosity to see what happens when they collide. 

Will it be a sunny shade of lime? Or a surprising twist awaits? 

Join me on a colorful adventure as I dive into the captivating world of mixing green and yellow. In this blog post, I’ll unravel the mystery, revealing the mesmerizing hue that emerges from this artistic alchemy. 

Get ready to discover the unexpected and ignite your imagination as I explore the enchanting realm where green and yellow converge. 

Let’s dive in and unveil the captivating answer to the question, “What color does green and yellow make when mixed?”

What Color Does Green And Yellow Make When Mixed?

Green and yellow make the color yellow-green or chartreuse. Yellow-green is a tertiary color that combines aspects of both green and yellow, resulting in a vibrant hue. Depending on the proportions of green and yellow you use, the resulting color may look pastel yellow or pale yellow.

Fundamentals of Color Theory

Color theory is a field of study that explores how colors interact and combine. It provides a framework for understanding the properties and relationships of colors. 

Here are the fundamental concepts of color theory:

Primary colors

In traditional color theory, there are three primary colors: red, blue, and yellow. These colors cannot be created by mixing other colors but can be used to create all other colors.

Secondary colors

Secondary colors are created by mixing two primary colors. The secondary colors are orange (red + yellow), green (blue + yellow), and violet (red + blue).

Tertiary colors

Tertiary colors are created by mixing a primary color with a neighboring secondary color. Examples of tertiary colors include yellow-green, blue-violet, and red-orange. 

Tertiary colors expand the color spectrum and offer more variety.

Color wheel

The color wheel is a circular representation of the color spectrum. It organizes colors in a logical and visually pleasing way. 

Complementary colors

Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel. They create a strong contrast when placed together and can intensify each other. 

For example, red and green, blue and orange, and yellow and violet are complementary pairs.

Analogous colors

These are colors located next to each other on the color wheel. They share a common hue and create a harmonious and unified color scheme. 

For instance, yellow, yellow-green, and green form an analogous color scheme.

Color harmony

Color harmony refers to the pleasing arrangement of colors. Different color combinations can evoke different emotions and moods. 

Color temperature

Colors are usually categorized as warm or cool based on their temperature. Warm colors, such as orange, red, and yellow, bring certain energy and warmth. 

Cool colors, like blue, green, and violet have a calming and soothing effect.

Color psychology

Colors can have psychological and emotional associations. For example, red can convey excitement or danger, while blue can evoke a sense of calmness or sadness. 

Understanding color psychology can help in conveying specific messages or creating desired atmospheres.

Understanding the Color Green

The color green is a vibrant hue that is formed by the combination of blue and yellow light. When you mix these two primary colors you will create a secondary color known as green. 

Green has been an integral part of human history and is associated with various meanings and symbolism. Throughout history, green has held significance in different cultures and religions. 

In ancient Egypt, green was considered a symbol of rebirth and fertility. In Islamic culture, it is associated with paradise. 

The color is also linked to nature and the environment, representing growth, renewal, and vitality.

Green finds extensive use in various fields, such as art, design, and psychology. In art, green is used to create landscapes and depict nature. 

It’s also commonly used in advertising to represent eco-friendly products and initiatives. In terms of psychology, green is believed to have a calming and soothing effect. 

Green comes in a wide range of shades, each with unique characteristics. Depending on your color mix, you can make lime green paint, emerald green, mint green, hunter green, sage green and olive green.

The hex code for green is #00FF00. Its RGB code is (0, 255, 0). This means that green is composed of maximum green intensity and no red or blue.

Another color model commonly used is CMYK, which stands for Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (black). CMYK is primarily used in printing. 

The CMYK code for green varies depending on the specific shade, but it consists of high levels of cyan and yellow, and low levels of magenta and black.

Here is a guide on colors that go with hunter green.

Understanding color green

Understanding the Color Yellow

Yellow is a primary color, meaning it cannot be created by mixing colors together. It is formed by the wavelengths of light between approximately 570 and 590 nanometers. 

Yellow is a bright and vibrant color. It has the ability to capture attention and convey a sense of warmth and optimism.

Over time, it has held cultural and historical significance throughout various civilizations. In ancient Egypt, yellow was associated with the sun god Ra and represented eternity and divinity. 

In China, yellow was the imperial color, symbolizing power and authority. It has also been associated with wealth, happiness, and prosperity in many cultures.

Yellow evokes positive emotions such as joy, happiness, and optimism. It also brings feelings of energy, warmth, and cheerfulness. 

Yellow is often used to represent sunshine, enlightenment, and intellect. It can also symbolize caution or warning, as seen in traffic signs and warning labels.

You can use yellow in various fields, including art, design, branding, and psychology. In art and design, yellow creates focal points, adds vibrancy, and evokes specific emotions. 

In branding and advertising, it’s used to grab attention, convey positivity, and suggest optimism. Yellow is also frequently used in interior design to bring warmth and light into spaces.

There is a wide range of shades within the color yellow. Some common shades include lemon yellow, golden yellow, canary yellow, sunflower yellow, and mustard yellow

The color yellow is represented by specific codes in various color systems. In the hexadecimal color system, the HEX code for yellow is #FFFF00. 

This six-digit code represents the intensity of red (FF), green (FF), and blue (00) in the color. In the RGB color model, the RGB code for yellow is (255, 255, 0). 

In the CMYK color model, the CMYK code for yellow is (0%, 0%, 100%, 0%). This code represents the amount of cyan (0%), magenta (0%), yellow (100%), and black (0%) in the color.

Understanding color yellow

What Color Do Yellow and Green Make with Paint?

When yellow and green paints are mixed together, they create a shade of color known as yellow-green. This color is also known as chartreuse. 

Yellow-green is a vibrant hue that embodies the freshness and brightness of yellow with the natural and earthy tones of green. Different ratios of yellow to green can yield variations in the final color.

In the subtractive color mixing system used in paint, yellow and green are both primary colors. 

When you combine these primary colors, you will form a secondary color, which in this case is yellow-green.

You can adjust the resulting shade of yellow-green by adding more of one color or by using different shades of yellow or green. 

Adding more yellow to the mixture will create a warmer, more yellow-leaning yellow-green. Adding more green will result in a cooler, more green-leaning yellow-green.

What Color Do Yellow and Green Make with Light?

Yellow and green light create the color white when combined. This is known as additive color mixing, where you mix colors of light that are superimposed to produce new colors. 

Yellow light has a wavelength of around 570-590 nanometers. The green light has a wavelength of around 495-570 nanometers. 

When these wavelengths overlap, they stimulate the cones in our eyes, creating the perception of white light. This is why, in terms of light, yellow and green mix to form white.

How to Mix Yellow and Green

To mix yellow and green paint, follow these steps:

Prepare your materials. Gather yellow and green paint tubes or containers, a mixing palette or surface, and paintbrushes.

Start with the yellow paint. Squeeze a small amount of yellow paint onto your mixing palette or surface.

Gradually add green paint. Take a separate portion of green paint and add it to the yellow paint on the palette. Begin with a small amount and adjust as needed. 

Remember that you can always add more green paint to intensify the shade, but it’s difficult to lighten the color once it’s too dark.

Mix the colors. Use a paintbrush or palette knife to thoroughly mix the yellow and green paints together. Blend them until you achieve a consistent and uniform color.

Observe and adjust. Assess the resulting mixture. If it appears too yellow, add more green paint and continue mixing. 

If it appears too green, add more yellow paint. Keep adjusting the proportions until you achieve the desired shade.

Test the mixture. Apply a small amount of the mixed color onto a piece of paper or canvas to see how it appears when dry. This will give you a better idea of the final color and whether further adjustments are necessary.

Note: The specific shades you use will influence the resulting yellow and green mixture. Experiment with different proportions of yellow and green to allow you to create various shades of yellow-green or chartreuse according to your preferences.

How to Mix Yellow and Green

Factors Affecting the Resulting Color

Several factors can influence the resulting color when mixing yellow and green. These factors include:

Shade and intensity of yellow and green

The shades and intensities of the yellow and green colors you use will have an impact on the resulting color. Different shades of yellow and green can yield variations in the final color. 

For example, a bright lemon yellow with a light grass green will produce a different result compared to mixing a deep golden yellow with a dark forest green.

Proportions and ratios

The proportion of yellow to green in the mixture will also affect the resulting color. Adding more yellow will create a yellow-green shade that leans more towards yellow. 

Adding more green will result in a yellow-green that leans more towards green. 

Transparency and opacity

The transparency or opacity of the yellow and green paints can influence the resulting color. 

If the yellow paint is more transparent and the green paint is more opaque, the resulting yellow-green will have a different quality.

Paint quality and pigment composition

The quality and composition of the paints you use will also impact the final color. 

Different brands and types of paints may have variations in the pigments used, which can affect how the colors mix and combine.

Mixing technique

The technique used to mix the colors can also influence the resulting color. 

Mixing using different brush strokes can create variations in the distribution and blending of the colors, resulting in different shades of yellow-green.

Mixing Yellow Green

Making yellow-green darker

To make yellow-green darker:

  • Start with your existing yellow-green color.
  • Introduce a small amount of dark green paint or a darkening agent, such as black or a darker shade of green.
  • Add the dark green paint or darkening agent to the yellow-green, mixing well after each addition.
  • Assess the color as you go, adding more dark green until you achieve the desired darkness.
  • Remember to mix well to ensure a uniform color. Keep in mind that a little darkening agent can go a long way. So add small amounts at a time to avoid making the mixture too dark.

Making green yellow lighter

To make yellow-green lighter:

  • Begin with your existing yellow-green color.
  • Introduce a small amount of yellow paint or a lightening agent, such as white.
  • Add the yellow paint or lightening agent gradually to the yellow-green, mixing well after each addition.
  • Evaluate the color as you go, adding more yellow until you achieve the desired lightness.
  • Ensure thorough mixing to achieve a consistent color. Be cautious not to over-tighten the mixture, as it may lose its yellow-green character.

Understanding the Color Chartreuse

Chartreuse is a color that falls between yellow and green on the color spectrum. It’s a vibrant and eye-catching hue known for its distinctive and energetic appearance. 

Chartreuse gets its name from the Chartreuse liqueur, which has a similar greenish-yellow color. It’s often described as a yellow-green or lime-green shade. 

It can vary in intensity, ranging from pale chartreuse to bolder chartreuse. Chartreuse is commonly associated with qualities such as creativity, freshness, and vitality.

Table: Shades of Yellow and Green Mixes

NameGreen to yellow ratioHEX codeRGB codeCMYK codeShade
Lime1:1#00FF00(0, 255, 0)(100%, 0%, 100%, 0%)color
Chartreuse3:1#7FFF00(127, 255, 0)(50%, 0%, 100%, 0%)color
Citron5:1#9FA91F(159, 169, 31)(6%, 0%, 82%, 34%)color
Pear7:1#D1E231(209, 226, 49)(8%, 0%, 78%, 11%)color
Granny smith9:1#A8E4A0(168, 228, 160)(26%, 0%, 30%, 11%)color
Pistachio2:3#93C572(147, 197, 114)(25%, 0%, 42%, 23%)color
Spring green1:4#00FF7F(0, 255, 127)(100%, 0%, 50%, 0%)color
Fern3:7#4F7942(79, 121, 66)(35%, 0%, 45%, 53%)color
Moss1:9#8A9A5B(138, 154, 91)(10%, 0%, 41%, 40%)color
Olive1:10#808000(128, 128, 0)(50%, 50%, 100%, 0%)color
Harlequin1:1#3FFF00(63, 255, 0)(75%, 0%, 100%, 0%)color
Lawn green1:2#7CFC00(124, 252, 0)(51%, 0%, 100%, 0%)color
Xanthic3:4#EEED09(238, 237, 9)(0%, 0%, 96%, 7%)color
Electric lime2:1#CCFF00(204, 255, 0)(20%, 0%, 100%, 0%)color

Why Mixing Green Can Be Tricky

Mixing green can sometimes be tricky because:

  • Green is a complex color with a wide range of shades and intensities. 
  • Green pigments used in paints often have inherent color biases. Some green pigments tend to lean more towards yellow, while others lean towards blue. 
  • When working with paint, color mixing follows the subtractive color model, where colors are mixed by absorbing certain wavelengths of light. 
  • There’s a limited selection of green pigments to work with. While there is a wide range of greens available, the specific shade desired may not be readily available. 

What are Tertiary Colors?

Tertiary colors are the colors that are made by mixing a primary color with a secondary color. The primary colors are red, blue, and yellow, while the secondary colors are orange, green, and violet.

There are six tertiary colors in total, and they are:

  • Red-orange: This color is a result of red mixed with orange.
  • Yellow-orange: It is achieved by mixing yellow with orange.
  • Yellow-green: This color is obtained by mixing yellow with green.
  • Blue-green: It is created by a combination of green and blue.
  • Blue-violet: This color is formed by mixing blue with violet.
  • Red-violet: It is obtained by mixing red with violet.
Tertiary Colors

Does Yellow Green Have a Meaning?

Yes, yellow-green has meaning. Yellow-green combination inherits some of the qualities and symbolism from both colors.

Yellow-green is often associated with freshness, vitality, and renewal. It’s reminiscent of the color of fresh foliage and springtime, evoking a sense of growth and new beginnings. 

The color can represent rejuvenation, hope, and optimism. It carries a lively and energetic quality, combining the brightness and cheerfulness of yellow with the natural and calming attributes of green.

How do Our Eyes Perceive Color in Lights?

Our eyes perceive color in lights through a complex process involving specialized cells and the brain. The cells responsible for color perception are called cone cells.

They are located in the retina at the back of the eye. These cones are sensitive to different wavelengths of light, which correspond to different colors. 

There are three types of cone cells: those sensitive to short wavelengths, medium wavelengths, and long wavelengths (red).

When light enters the eye, it passes through the cornea and lens, which focus the light onto the retina. The cone cells in the retina then absorb the light and convert it into electrical signals. 

These signals are then transmitted to the brain via the optic nerve. In the brain, the signals from the different cone cells are processed and interpreted to create the perception of color. 

The brain combines the information from the three types of cone cells to create a wide range of colors. This process is known as color vision, and it allows us to see and differentiate between different hues and shades of light.

Designing with Yellow and Green

Designing with yellow and green offers a vibrant and refreshing aesthetic. These colors, often associated with nature, energy, and positivity, are used to create appealing designs. 

Achieving a balanced composition is key, whether using yellow and green as dominant or accent colors. As complementary colors, they can be paired to create contrast and visual interest. 

Incorporating nature-inspired elements such as leafy patterns or organic shapes can enhance the connection with these colors.

Adjusting the shades and proportions of yellow and green allows for emphasizing energizing or relaxing vibes. 

Consider the context and purpose of the design to ensure the colors align with the intended message.

Do Yellow and Green Go Together?

Yes, yellow and green go together. They are complementary colors that are located opposite each other on the color wheel. 

Their contrasting nature often creates a vibrant and dynamic effect when used together. Yellow and green can be combined in various ways to achieve different effects. 

They can create a balanced and harmonious color scheme when used in equal proportions. This combination can evoke feelings of freshness, nature, and vitality.

But, you must first know how to make mint green and yellow color. The specific shades of yellow and green can impact how well they go together.

Lighter shades of yellow and green, such as pastel yellow mix and mint greens, can create a soft and delicate color palette.


What does yellow and red make when mixed?

When yellow and red are mixed together, they create the color orange. The intensity and shade of orange can vary depending on the specific shades of yellow and red used.

Is green a mix of yellow and blue?

Yes, green is a mix of yellow and blue. By combining yellow and blue in varying proportions, you can create different shades and tones of green.

Is chartreuse the same as yellow-green?

Yes, chartreuse is the same as yellow-green, although they are similar. Chartreuse is a color that falls between yellow and green but has a vibrant and intense quality. It’s named after the French liqueur and is often described as a yellowish-green or greenish-yellow color.

What color do you get when you mix green and orange?

When you mix green and orange you create a shade of brown. The resulting brown color can vary depending on the specific shades and proportions of green and orange used.

What color does green and blue make when mixed?

Green and blue make the color cyan when mixed. Cyan is a bright and vibrant shade of blue-green. The specific shade of cyan can vary depending on the proportions of green and blue used in the mixture.

What are the complementary colors of mustard yellow?

The colors that complement mustard yellow are a shade of purple or violet. On the color wheel, purple is located directly opposite mustard yellow. When these colors are combined, they create a visually striking and balanced contrast.


Mixing green and yellow creates the vibrant color of yellow-green. This blend combines the brightness of yellow with the natural tones of green. 

It results in a hue that symbolizes growth, vitality, and optimism. The specific shade of yellow-green obtained depends on the ratios, shades, and mixing techniques used. 

Incorporating yellow-green into artistic or design endeavors adds depth and balance while reflecting the beauty of nature. 

So, grab your green and yellow paints and embrace the magic of their combination. Let yellow-green infuse your creations with its unique charm and energetic appeal.


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